Page 64 of Hidden Monsters
The man Luke presumed to be Russell had his weapon drawn on him, but Luke didn’t even blink. “Get the hell away from her before I end you right here and now,” Luke growled. He had his weapon armed and at the ready. One quick pull of the trigger was all it would take to end this monster, and all of Orly’s troubles would be a thing of the past.
Just then, a loud bang sounded at the door. Caden and Blake. Luke had almost forgotten they were going to be out there according to the plan the four of them had devised after Orly told him Russell was here.
“FBI, open the door!” Caden called out.
Luke smirked, and glared at Russell. “You might want to holster that unless you want FBI Agents coming in here shooting first and asking questions later.”
There was no way Luke would chance a shoot out with the idiot, and he would never allow for a hostage situation, so this seemed like the next best option. Take him by surprise, and let the chips fall where they may. If he got shot, even killed, so be it. But he’d take Russell Graham down with him.
They’d had less than twenty minutes to find and study the layout of this old building, then just minutes to execute their plan before being spotted by whoever was standing guard outside the loading docks. Luke and his friends figured that was the closest entry and exit point to where they were holding Orly, and they didn’t want the officers to alert Russell to his or his friends’ presence before he could get to her. Even though they wore uniforms and were probably local police, Luke didn’t trust them at the moment since they were working with Russell.
Based on what Orly had told them about the vent, Luke and his friends decided the best course of action was for Luke to sneak into the building through a side utility door, and pull himself up into the first vent he could find and fit through. Then it was just a matter of crawling through the ducts until he heard her voice. It hadn’t taken him long to find her, and all his thoughts of getting revenge and pummeling Russell Graham had all but dissipated from his mind when he crashed down into the room. His only concern was getting to Orly. The woman he loved. She needed him, and he wasn’t about to spare one second of his time on a man who didn’t deserve a moment of his attention. But then he saw her face, that bruise, and all his ire and anger came right back, bubbling to the surface.
Another loud knock sounded, followed by Caden shouting for him to open up.
Luke raised an eyebrow at Russell, giving him one last chance to lower his weapon. As soon as Russell did, Luke saw his opening. He moved like he was reaching for the door, but then turned on a dime, and struck Russell with the butt of his gun, straight across the side of his face. Russell lost his footing from the impact. His side slammed into a large machine with red and green flashing lights, before he sank to the ground, holding his cheek like the skin was going to slide off his face. Curses flew from his mouth, but Luke just smirked, already feeling a little better. “Not as much fun when you’re the one getting beat up, huh, Asshole?” Not waiting for an answer, and with his weapon once again aimed at Russell, he opened the door.
Caden and Blake both rushed into the room, but it was the sight of additional agents just behind them that had Luke relaxing his shoulders a bit. “You called in the cavalry?” He asked Caden.
His friend gave a quick nod, before eyeing Russell, who was scrambling to his feet. Caden gave Luke an approving, albeit almost imperceptible, chin lift. Then turned his attention back to Russell. “I’m FBI Agent Caden Dobbs, and you are under arrest.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Russell griped, finding his footing. “I’m Captain Russell Graham of the Los Angeles Police Department, and this woman is wanted for murder. I was simply following a lead that led me straight to her. I didn’t do any of this, and your guy just attacked me for no reason.”
“Attacked you?” Luke asked, letting his eyes go wide. “I merely told you to step away from that barbaric machine that for all I know is a bomb ready to go off. It’s not my fault you tripped on your own two feet and face planted on the edge of it. I guess karma really is all they say it’s cracked up to be.”
“How about you show us your hands,” Blake said with a knowing smirk.
“Listen to me. There’s an APB out for her arrest. I have no idea what she was doing here or how she became tied up like that,” Russell insisted. “I got a tip that I could find her here, and I was just doing my job.” He spat a mouthful of blood onto the floor beside him, then wiped at his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket.
“You’ll need to come with us,” Caden said, nodding to Blake who pulled out his cuffs.
It was only then that Luke holstered his weapon, and turned his attention completely to Orly. She was pale, her lips were chapped, and her eyes were sunken with exhaustion, and probably dehydration. He unbuckled the restraints holding her down and gently disconnected her from the wires that were connecting her to that monstrosity of a machine. Her shirt had been unbuttoned, but instead of taking the time to close it, he simply slipped out of his jacket and covered her with it, so she wouldn’t be exposed to the elements, and the prying eyes of everyone outside that door.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Orly said, the sound of her voice barely registering in his ears.
“I got you.” He lifted her to him, and held her close.
She nuzzled her face into the side of his neck, and sighed softly. He tightened his arms around her, wanting her to feel his strength surrounding her. It had been less than twenty four hours since she’d been taken, but it felt like a lifetime. “We’re going to get you checked out by a doctor, and then we’re going home, and I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”
Orly met his gaze, and gifted him with a weak smile. “I love you, Luke. I’m so sorry about everything.”
Luke didn’t care about any of that right now. She was safe, and that was all that mattered. He took in the sight of her, now that she was finally back in his arms, and met her gaze. “I promised you no matter what happened, we’d handle it together. And, we will. I love you, Orly. Always.”
Blake led Russell out of the room in cuffs, and most of the agents followed them out. Luke started toward the door with Orly when she tensed in his arms. “Wait. The woman who helped me. She said her name was Reese. Someone was hurting her, Luke.”
“Don’t worry,” Caden spoke up. “This place is crawling with agents. If anyone here needs help or doesn’t belong, we’ll get them out,” Caden said. “Listen, Orly, what you did for me…” Caden’s voice cracked.
“It’s what friends do,” Orly said with a soft smile. “I was so worried you’d get caught in the crossfire. I’m glad you’re okay.”
Caden took Orly’s hand in his, giving it a slight squeeze. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to Luke, and I swear to you, I am going to make sure no one and nothing ever hurts you again.”
“Thanks.” Orly smiled, resting her head against Luke’s chest.
“Let’s move out,” Luke said. Her energy was fading, and he needed to get her outside to the waiting ambulance. It would still be a while before she was strong enough to fly back to Dallas. At the very least, she would need some IV fluids and a decent meal.
“After you,” Caden said, letting go of Orly’s hand, and opening the door so Luke could get through with Orly in his arms. The hallway was lined with agents, and each of them gave Caden a chin lift as they passed by until they reached the large double doors that led them outside. Stepping out into the warm Arizona sun,Luke inhaled the dry heat, grateful to be reunited with the women he loved. Orly lifted her head and looked up at the sky, squinting her eyes from the bright sunlight.
“I’m free,” she said with a soft smile. Luke chuckled, both with relief and joy for the woman in his arms. He couldn’t imagine the weight that had just been lifted off her shoulders. With Nelson gone, and Russell in FBI custody, Orly really was free. All the monsters from her past were finally exactly where they belonged. Now, he just needed to get her home, with him, where she belonged.