Page 9 of Hidden Monsters
He tensed at her words. Anything. What can I do?
She cringed, wishing more than anything Luke could help her, but this wasn’t about her. It's not me. I need you to make a call to the Salt Lake City Police Department. Someone you trust, if at all possible. When he didn’t respond right away, she added, a woman’s life depends on it, Luke. Please.
Tell me what’s going on. He said it the way she imagined he would speak to one of his colleagues. He was in cop mode, and she found it reassuring and kind of sexy.
I’d do it myself, but I can’t right now. There’s a woman in trouble. Evelyn Darby on Brookhaven Court. Blue building with white shutters. Apartment 302. Will you make the call, please?
Luke’s thoughts turned fierce. Of course, but I have to ask, what’s going on with you? Why can’t you call them yourself? Are you in trouble? Are you hurt?
Orly suppressed a groan as she started to uncurl her body. I’m fine. Evelyn is the one who needs help. Can you help her or not? Orly hated how desperate she sounded, but she was desperate. She’d never not helped someone when it was at all possible to do so.
Hang on. Luke’s words had her exhaling painfully. She needed to get back to Evelyn. Orly searched for the tether in her mind that connected them, sighing with relief when she felt the woman’s thoughts. I’m still here, Evelyn. I’m with you. Were you able to get somewhere safe?
No. Evelyn’s voice was muffled with pain and dread, but at least Orly had been able to reconnect with her. He’s sitting on top of me and using the knife on my belly. I can’t get away. I’m going to have scars all over my body. He’s insane - Evelyn’s thoughts were interrupted by her blood curdling scream.
Orly groaned as she pressed a hand to her stomach and tried to get up off the floor. She felt the knife on her skin as it carved into Evelyn, but the pain was dull and mingled with the pain of her own beating, likely because the connection wasn’t very strong. Orly hated there was nothing more she could do for the woman. Focus on my voice. Help is on the way. You’ll be safe soon. Do what you can to protect yourself, and hold on.Orly did her best to sound convincing, but she wasn’t sure if Luke would come through for her. For Evelyn.
Sirens sounded in the distance. Even as they drew nearer, Orly wasn’t sure if she was hearing them from outside or from Evelyn’s ears. Evelyn? Orly asked, hoping the other woman heard them too.
I hear them. He stopped cutting me and is trying to get away through my fire escape. How did you do that?
Orly pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, then forced herself to stand. She had no idea how she could do what she did. She just did it. You’ll be okay now. You’ll be safe. They’ll take care of you. The sound of distant voices, and then the shouts of police officers as they helped Evelyn and gave orders to chase after her assailant, were already fading in Orly’s mind.
Thank you. Evelyn’s voice was softer now as Orly let the connection dissipate. Her body needed the energy for her own healing.
She swallowed past the lump in her throat. Luke had come through for this woman. Thank you, Luke. You saved her, Orly thought as she climbed back in bed. Her whole body would be black and blue tomorrow, but somehow she couldn’t bring herself to care right now.
The hell I did! Luke’s thought roared into her mind. His breaths were coming out in pants like he’d just run a marathon. How often do you do this?
Often enough. She hadn’t meant to come off snarky, but she was hurting and in no mood to talk about her dumb gift that was no gift at all. She pulled out a bottle of pain reliever and took three extra strength tablets, then settled back under the comforter. After hitting her, Russell usually left the apartment and didn’t come back for hours. If he had to work the next day, he’d spend the night at the precinct and not return until after his shift. It was his way of cooling off. But tonight, she could still hear him moving around in his office.
Does this woman even know what you did for her? Luke’s question wasn’t unexpected, though Orly doubted Evelyn Darby would give much more thought to the voice that came and went in her head at what was likely the worst moments of her life.
She knows what you know. Less, actually. Orly tried not to dwell on the people she helped. If she thought about each and every person, worried about them after they were safe, she wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. As it was, she rarely ever slept through the night.
You’re a miracle. A fucking miracle. How many lives have you saved like this? It wasn’t so much Luke’s words, but the sound of his voice as it sliced through her mind like fine silk that made her smile. No one had ever called her a miracle and she sure didn’t feel like one right now.
I help as many as I can, when I can. She admitted after a long pause. Orly had no idea why she had this ability, but obviously some higher being had chosen her for the job. She didn’t like thinking about it though. Somehow thinking about the people she saved only made her think back to the ones she couldn’t save, like the three year old boy who was being abused by his stepfather and didn’t know his home address.
Luke’s sigh drifted into her mind. I wish I could meet you. Shake your hand. Hug you. Is this even your real voice I’m hearing inside my head?
Yes. Even though Orly found a way to hide her identity from the people she helped, there was no way she could change her voice.
I hope one day I can do for you what you’ve done for so many others. His words hung heavy on Orly’s heart. She wanted to tell him who she was. Who Russell was. She wanted to beg him to help her, but she couldn’t. Luke was a police officer just like Russell. As much as she liked Luke, and even enjoyed hearing his voice in her head, there was still a chance he could turn on her the way Russell had. He could tell Russell about their conversations. It was a silly and irrational fear, but as she lay there, feeling the burning pain from every kick and punch Russell had inflicted on her, it felt reasonable and real enough.
I haven’t done all that much. I just call someone to help them. Orly’s attempt to distance herself from the very thing she often felt was a curse in her life only seemed to anger Luke.
Don’t! Don’t ever try to diminish your role in saving lives. I was just part of it and you will never be able to tell me that what you do isn’t a fucking miracle. Something about the conviction in his voice made it feel like if she talked to him long enough, he might start to glue back the pieces inside her that had been shattered by Russell and the people in her foster homes, who had all but convinced her she was the devil. It wasn’t like Orly went around telling people what she could do, Russell had been the only exception. But she’d had a few foster parents who were smart enough to guess or figure out that she was different. No matter how close or far from the truth, once they suspected something, things were never the same, and inevitably they’d find an excuse to have her transferred to a different home.
Thanks. Orly swallowed past the knot in her throat. She’d never even met this man, and somehow he was making her feel…safe. Like doing what she could do, and being who she was, didn’t make her a freak.
No. Thank you. For everything. I can’t imagine what this kind of gift is costing you. The sincerity and compassion in Luke’s thoughts had Orly fighting back tears. No, he couldn’t imagine, but just his admission meant the world to her. He hadn’t just helped her tonight, he’d gone on a limb to help a perfect stranger he couldn’t even hear or see.
Luke had shown an incredible amount of trust in her and faith in her ability tonight. It made her want to get to know him. To meet him. To shake his hand. And do all those other things he mentioned. Orly might be engaged, but Russell hadn’t touched her except in anger for months now.
She was ready to move on. Ready to take her life back. No matter what that meant.
I’m Orly, she finally told Luke. My name is Orly.