Page 64 of Hidden Interests
“I’m sorry,” Hallie said, but her attention was on the hand resting on Caden’s shoulder in the photo. Whoever it belonged to had a huge ring on their middle finger that Hallie had seen before in a glimpse, many years ago. The glimpse was of two sets of hands fighting over a gun, and the one wearing that ring pulled the trigger.
She froze, not even able to draw breath for a moment. She stared at the photo. At the ring. Had she really seen the night Caden’s brother died? She had to know whose hand that was. “Who was with you guys?” She asked, trying not to sound like she’d just realized something huge.
“Our cousin, Tyler.” Caden gently took the framed photo from her and set it back on the shelf, then wrapped his arms around her from behind. “Stay with me tonight,” he said.
Hallie turned until their eyes met. She needed to tell Caden what she’d seen, but the way he was looking at her right now, she could hardly breathe, let alone speak.
If he wanted to take this relationship further tonight, she wouldn’t be against it, though it would surprise her since he had said he wanted to take his time just a few days ago.
“Just to sleep,” Caden added with a crooked grin. “I know exactly where your naughty mind went, and believe me, I was right there with you. But I meant what I said. So tonight, I would love for you to stay, but just to sleep. What do you say?”
Hallie liked sleeping with Caden. She’d only done it that one time, but it had been one of the best nights of her life, and not just because she’d slept so soundly and woken up more rested and rejuvenated than she had in a long time. “I’d like that, but I didn’t bring anything with me to sleep in.”
Caden grinned. “I’ve seen you in my jacket and that was quite a sight. Imagine what seeing you in my t-shirt and boxers will do to me.”
The spice in his tone sent tingles all the way down to Hallie’s toes, and she shuffled her feet to relieve some of the warmth building low in her belly. “Deal.”
If the look in his eyes when she came out of the bathroom donning his gray t-shirt and boxers wasn’t enough of a clue as to her effect on him, then the urgency with which he playfully attacked her, tackling her onto his bed and ravishing her with his mouth was more than enough to show her just how much he wanted her. “Caden,” she moaned as his mouth did wondrous things to the side of her neck. He wasn’t wearing much more than she was and she was just as tempted to rip his clothes off.
“Hmm,” he groaned, trailing his tongue down her collar bone. She squirmed as he relentlessly tortured her with his mouth and tongue, brushing and grazing with his teeth in all the right places, until she went to pull his t-shirt off.
He stopped and pulled back just the barest of inches. “You’re amazing, but it’s only been a few days since I told you I wanted to get to know you more. I don’t want to rush this, Hales.”
When he sat up fully on the bed, Hallie almost groaned in protest, but managed to hold it in. “You’re such a tease.” She admonished with no heat.
He looked her up and down with a smirk. “You’re one to talk. Have you looked in the mirror? You're a sight for sore eyes, Woman. My eyes.”
She pushed up onto her knees and let herself fall into him, her arms going around his neck. He caught her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in close. He kissed her temple and her cheek, but stopped just short of her mouth. “Let’s go to sleep before I lose all sense of control and throw my resolve out the window, along with my clothes.”
Hallie laughed and Caden’s eyes only grew darker. He turned out the light and pulled her under the covers with him. “Thank you for coming over tonight,” he said in the dark.
“Thanks for inviting me.” Hallie couldn’t help thinking back to what Meg had said. She’d never felt very lucky in love, but lying here with Caden, his front to her back, as he curled himself protectivelyaround her, Hallie felt lucky. Very lucky and very much in love.
“Did you want to talk about the other night at all?” He asked, as if reading her mind.
Her first instinct was to say no, but Hallie didn’t want him to feel like she was shutting him out of her life. It all just seemed so silly now, especially in comparison to what she’d just remembered in his living room.
Meg was obviously upset and with good reason. Hallie had no intention of holding a grudge against her friend, and she didn’t want to give Caden the wrong idea about her either. “It was no big deal. Meg’s been dealing with Kenny for years now. Hopefully last night was his last hurrah.”
Caden was quiet for a long moment. “Was that all that happened?”
“What do you mean?” Hallie asked.
“Luke called me today. It turns out Kenny had drugs on him when Luke brought him in. They’re analyzing them now.”
Hallie turned to face Caden. The room was dark, but she could just make out his features, courtesy of a street lamp outside his bedroom window. “You think Kenny is dealing drugs?”
Caden sighed. “I don’t know. The amount Luke found on him wasn’t exactly significant enough for Kenny to be charged with intent to sell, but still, it would be nice to know where he got them.”
“What did he say when Luke asked him?”
“He didn’t. Kenny clammed up and asked for a lawyer. Did he say anything to you guys before Luke dragged his ass out of there?”
“No. He was too busy hurling threats and insults at Meg.”
“Do me a favor and steer clear of him. If he comes by your store or if you see him near your shop or Meg’s, just call me or Luke. Don’t approach him yourself.”
“Okay.” Hallie reached her hand out from under the covers and touched his face, lightly grazing her fingertips over his short stubble. “Meg was just really upset after Kenny left and she said something that kind of hurt. I mean it’s not a big deal and I totally understand where she’s coming from, but it just hit a little raw spot inside, if you know what I mean.”