Page 46 of Hidden Traitors
Skyla blinked out of her thoughts to see Vivian in a seat at the bar that had just been vacated by a guy whose girlfriend was meeting him here.
“Hey, Vivian,” Skyla said, offering her a polite smile. “What can I get you?”
“Mojito, please. How’s your night going? I have to say, last night was something else.”
“Yeah, it was,” Skyla said more to herself than in reply to Vivian’s remark as she made her drink.
“I mean I had no idea a bar owner had such connections. Sailor Hawkins? Dang, girl, no wonder this place is always jumping.”
Skyla laughed, handing Vivian her drink. “I dated her manager in high school.”
Vivian leaned in. “Seriously? What was he like?”
Skyla shrugged. “He was kind of a nerd back then. I like to think I was the one who got him into music, and then I guess the rest is history.”
“So, are you two a thing now?” Vivian asked as she took a sip of her drink.
“No,” Skyla said. “Definitely not. I hadn’t talked to him in years, but when Hallie and I came up with the Books and Booze event, I knew we’d need a special guest to end the night, and I thought, who better than Sailor Hawkins.”
“No kidding. I’ve loved her since her first single came out.”
“Me too. Did you get a chance to talk to her at all after the show? From what Richie told me, Sailor is a pretty down to earth kind of girl.”
Vivian smiled huge. “We may have exchanged a few words.”
“Really?” Skyla asked.
“And I may have gotten a selfie with her,” Vivian squealed.
“Ahh!” Skyla screeched, so happy for the other woman. And a little jealous that she hadn’t been here to talk to Sailor and get her own selfie with the music sensation. Memories of last night slammed into Skyla, and without even meaning to, her thoughts were back on Blake. She’d gone almost ten minutes without thinking about him and the way she’d stormed out on him last night.
She felt bad for doing that, but he’d used her just like her father had. What was she supposed to do? His feelings weren’t real. He was just using her, and his kisses were only a means to an end for him to get information out of her.
“Hey, are you okay?” Vivian asked, likely noticing the change in Skyla’s demeanor.
“Yeah, I’m -” She was about to say fine when she noticed Hallie and Orly entering Madigan’s. Their gazes immediately locked and the two women made their way through the crowd and proceeded to come behind the bar. “What are you doing here?” Skyla asked, completely surprised to see them.
“We’re kidnapping you,” Hallie said.
“And you’re letting us,” Orly added.
“Hi Vivian,” Hallie said. “Sorry, but we need to borrow Skyla. It’s a girlfriend emergency. Bye!”
Hallie pulled Skyla as Orly pushed her out from behind the bar toward the front entrance. “Wait,” Skyla said. “I can’t just leave.”
“Sure, you can,” Orly said. “If they need you, they’ll call. This is not optional.”
“You guys,” Skyla protested, only not really, because unlike last night's kidnapping, this one made her feel loved and cared about instead of threatened and helpless.
Before she knew what was going on, she was shoved into the backseat of Orly’s new SUV that Luke had bought her as a birthday present, and the door was being closed behind her.
The other two women climbed into the front, with Orly behind the wheel and they were pulling away from the curb before Skyla had even had a chance to fasten her seatbelt. “Okay,” Skyla said. “You got me. Now, what’s going on?”
“Oh, you know,” Orly said.
“Yeah,” Hallie said.
Skyla laughed. She had no idea what they were talking about. “I really don’t.”