Page 60 of Hidden Traitors
“You won’t get away with this,” Skyla warned, before succumbing to a darkness she didn’t welcome, but expected.
The last thing she heard were Vivian’s glib words. “But I already have.”
Chapter 22
Blake sat at the kitchen table, watching his mom fuss over Brennan, as if she was a school girl who’d just come back from summer camp, instead of a grown woman who’d been released from jail on drug charges.
There was a knock at the door. Both women looked to the door, and then to Blake. “I’ll get it.” He had a feeling he knew who it was. He opened the door to find Caden standing there with a big bag of Chinese takeout.
“Figured you guys would be hungry,” Caden said, offering him the bag.
“You’re a lifesaver on so many levels.” Blake ushered his friend inside and brought the bag of food to the table.
“Blake told me what you did, Caden,” Regina said. “I can’t thank you enough for getting Brennan back to us in one piece.”
“You’re very welcome, but I didn’t do as much as you think. She was caught in possession of a drug that the FBI is in the process of investigating due to its psychotropic and possibly lethal ramifications. Brennan is in a lot of trouble, but hopefully with her help, we may be able to track down where the drug is being made.”
“However, you were able to make it happen, I’m grateful,” Regina said. “Come on, let’s eat.” The three of them entered the kitchen to find Brennan standing there alone with a sullen look about her.
As soon as she saw Caden, her face broke into a smile. She’d had a crush on the man for as long as Blake could remember, but she was too young and way too immature for him. “Caden,” Brennan said warmly, opening her arms for a hug.
He obliged, hugging her before pulling back and taking a long look at her, more in a brotherly fashion than anything else. “Are you okay?”
She nodded and Caden motioned for her to sit. “Have some food, you’ll feel better. Then we can talk. Actually, I’ll talk, you’ll listen.”
Brennan nodded, to Blake’s relief. He’d always told Brennan that she could trust him and Caden with anything. This was different though, and he hated it more than he could stand.
They got out the plates and silverware, and everyone sat down to eat. Boxes with orange chicken, fried rice, chicken and broccoli, and coconut shrimp were passed between them. “You remembered everything we like,” Blake said, noting how his friend had chosen all their favorites, even the coconut shrimp that Brennan was a fan of.
“Duh,” Caden said jokingly. “I’ve only known you and your family for what, at least five minutes, give or take half a decade?”
Blake playfully punched him in the arm. “Whatever. I’ve known you just as long, and I have no idea what your Chinese food picks would be.”
Caden straightened in his chair like Blake had deeply offended him, then scoffed. “Pays to pay attention. I’m with your mom. Orange chicken all the way.”
“And Hallie?” Blake asked, liking the easy conversation.
Caden made a face. “She likes the spicy stuff.”
Everyone laughed, and the entire mood shifted to one of friendly back and forth banter. It almost felt like old times, before Brennan decided to leave home and find herself. Back when Blake first joined the FBI, and Caden would come over for dinner on Sunday nights sometimes to watch the game.
“So, am I going back to jail?” Brennan asked out of nowhere during a lull in the conversation.
Blake cleared his throat, and Caden gestured that he wanted to take over this conversation, so Blake let him speak.
“No. At least not right now. We got your case in front of a judge, and your court appointed lawyer argued that you could be released on bail, which your mom generously paid on your behalf. That’s why Blake brought you here. Now, it’s important that you don’t run, because if you do, then your mom will be charged, and she could end up in jail.”
“I won’t,” Brennan said, as if she felt he was talking down to her. “I would never do that. Besides, shouldn’t I have talked to this lawyer before he went to court for me?”
“Yes, but then you would be in a jail cell tonight. Look, I had to pull some strings for you. Call in a lot of favors. But you’ll meet your lawyer tomorrow morning and the two of you can come up with a plan of action. What’s non-negotiable is that you will need to testify against whoever gave you those drugs.”
Brennan opened her mouth to say something, but both Blake and Caden lifted their hands to silence her. “Don’t forget what I told you,” Blake said. “Not one word about your case to us without your lawyer present.”
Brennan swallowed. “I hate this,” she grumbled and shoved a fork full of rice into her mouth. “I’ve always been able to talk to you.”
Regina covered Brennan’s hand with her own, offering her silent moral support. “Why don’t we let the guys talk and clean up, while I get you settled upstairs. You can tell me everything. Right?” She asked, looking at Blake and Caden.
They both nodded. “As long as we’re out of earshot, yes, she can talk to you. But you can’t tell us, otherwise -”