Page 70 of Hidden Traitors
Skyla swiped at a tear on her cheek. “I wasn’t going to let her die, Caden. No matter what. She was there because of me -”
“No!” Hallie cried out. “I was there because of that stupid bitch, Vivian. She tricked me, then drugged me.” Hallie looked from Skyla to Blake, then back to Skyla. “I remember when you first came into the store. I couldn’t move, but I heard you calling for me. I wished so hard you’d leave me there and run, but even when she threatened you, you stayed. For me. I owe you my life.”
Skyla shook her head. “No. You would’ve done the same for me. There was no way I was ever leaving you alone with that wench.”
Hallie laughed. “I’m so glad she’s dead.”
Skyla smiled and nodded. “Is it terrible to say that I am, too?”
“No,” Blake and Caden said in unison.
“Hallie,” Skyla started to say, but then there was a knock on the door and everyone turned to see a nurse entering. They waited for the woman wearing Looney Toons scrubs to check Hallie’s vital signs and adjust the rate on her IV pump. When the nurse left, Skyla came back to Hallie’s side, carefully sitting on the edge of the bed. “Hallie, I want to finish what I started that night.”
Hallie looked at her confused. “What are you talking about?”
Skyla took Hallie’s hand in hers. “You don’t have to live with the scars. I can heal you. I can take away the pain, all the discomfort, the scars, everything. I want to heal you so you can live your life like it never happened. Physically, at least.”
Skyla followed Hallie’s gaze to Blake and then Caden. Both men had turmoil and grief written all over their faces.
“No,” Hallie finally said, meeting Skyla’s gaze. “I’m going to be just fine, and as for the scars, they’ll heal on their own. Most of them are on my legs and arms, but I don’t care.”
Skyla started to argue, but Hallie held up her hand. “Skyla, I’m nobody’s victim, and no matter what Vivian did to me, taking away the scars won’t change how she hurt me. It won’t take away the nightmares or the memories of her knife slicing into my body over and over again. But when I look at my scars, I don’t think of Vivian. I think of you, and how you clung to me with every fiber of your being, giving me the last of your strength to keep me alive.”
Skyla’s face was wet with tears at her words, but Hallie kept going. “Don’t you see? These scars are a testament to what real friendship is. Maybe one day, when I’ve healed from the inside, I’ll be ready to have you heal me on the outside. But until that time comes, I’m going to wear these scars like badges, because each and every one of them has your fingerprints in it, filled with your love and healing energy, and I never want to forget or erase what you did for me that night.”
Skyla hugged Hallie fiercely. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more,” Hallie answered. “Thank you for keeping me alive, and for bringing the coffees. Hospital coffee sucks.”
Everyone smiled at Hallie’s attempt at levity, but there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. They spent the rest of the morning at the hospital visiting with Hallie and Caden. Skyla sat on the bed with Hallie, catching her up on everything that happened in Florida and telling her all about Brennan, while Blake and Caden stepped out of the room for a short while to discuss the more sensitive matters of his sister’s case.
When the nurse came back to check on Hallie, she asked Skyla and Blake to leave, saying that Hallie needed to rest. So, they said their goodbyes and Skyla promised to text and call Hallie later. As they walked down the hall of the hospital, Blake held her hand and she leaned into him. The last few days had been exhausting and she was looking forward to going home and spending the rest of the day in bed with the man she loved.
“Do you think she’ll be okay?” Skyla asked quietly, still needing reassurance that her best friend would come out of this intact.
Blake nodded. “In time. Caden will help her with whatever she needs. Having you and Orly around, and all of us, will also help. We’ll make sure she’s okay.” He kissed her hand and gave it a little squeeze. “What about you? How are you doing with all this?”
Skyla shrugged. She’d been trying not to think about the pregnancy test she bought at the drug store next door to the coffee shop they’d stopped at on the way to the hospital. She had no idea when or if she was even going to take the test. She’d probably just wasted money on something completely unnecessary. The odds of her being pregnant after just that one time… She’d heard about it happening, and knew the saying, ‘it only takes once.’ But seriously? She didn’t even feel pregnant.
Except that omelet Blake made, tasted and smelled awful. And after making coffee, she’d stuck with water because the smell of the black liquid had activated her gag reflex. Maybe this was some weird form of PTSD or something?
“Hey,” Blake said softly, pulling her from her thoughts. “Please don’t shut down on me. I just want to be here for you. Whatever you need.”
Skyla sighed and gave his hand a light squeeze. Her free hand went to her flat belly, and she immediately let it drop. She was being ridiculous.“I’m okay.”
Blake was glad Hallie was doing better, and it was a relief to see Caden handling everything as well as he was. But now he was itching to get out of this place and get Skyla home where she could get off her feet, and get the much-needed rest she still needed.
Ever since getting shot last year, he wasn’t a big fan of hospitals. The nurses and staff had been amazing, but the memories this place brought back of waking up in pain right after surgery, the way his mom and sisters had looked at him with so much worry and fear, and even his conversation with Caden back then - it was all still too fresh…too much.
“Skyla?” A male voice called from behind them.
Blake pressed a hand to the small of her back, and they both turned. He wasn’t sure who he was expecting to see, but he nearly lost his shit at the sight of Arlo J. The man wore faded, torn jeans and an old t-shirt. His hair was unkempt, and he was sporting a two-day old beard.
Blake looked to Skyla, wanting to tell her to ignore the asshole, but she stood unmoving, almost as if in shock. He tightened his arm around her waist, and she leaned into him.
“I need your help. Please,” Arlo J said.