Page 63 of Shawland Security
Chapter 25
I wish I hadn’t woken up this morning. I knew going to Sophia’s funeral would be a tough day, but I didn’t plan for a psycho crashing the day, Aria being unwell, and us needing an escort away from a cemetery. Sitting here in the hospital waiting room is driving my nerves to insanity. Clay and Spencer have paced the floors, Aria’s mom has clock watched, and I have watched the door every time it swings open.
When we arrived here two hours ago, Aria’s blood pressure was through the roof, the nausea still floored her, and she looked terribly pale. The nurse got us all to sit out here while she got Aria comfortable. I didn’t want to leave her side, but I know Aria is sick, because she didn’t protest and drag me with her.
“Caleb.” The chief of police walks through the door with Al beside him.
He holds his hand out towards me and I shake it. “Chief. What can I do for you?”
He shakes his head. “I heard all about what happened. I know you’re pissed off with my call, and I just want to tell you that I’ve put Al back on the case. He’s joining forces with SVU. We will catch this bastard.”
I shake my head. I want to punch the man in front of me. The man I looked up to for years. The man who shaped my career.
“Al should never have been taken off the case. Right now, what you all do is the least of my worries. Just know, if anything happens to Aria or that baby, I’ll be coming for blood. I’ll crucify you all.”
“Caleb.” Dr Collier walks towards me. “I’m sorry you got separated from Aria. Follow me.”
I leave the chief and Al without a backwards glance. I follow the doctor quickly down the hallway to where Aria is. I feel the tension ease out of my shoulders when I know she’s just behind a door.
Aria lies on the bed with her eyes closed. She looks so small and helpless cocooned in white sheets on the hospital bed. I feel my heart jump out of my chest.
“What’s going on, Doc?”
I walk over to the side of the bed and take her hand in mine. She opens her eyes slowly, looking dazed. She smiles at me when she realizes I’m here.
“I’ve got her hooked up to fluids now. I’m going to perform an ultrasound to see if that flags up anything. But, honestly, I expected this to happen. The stress of everything has got her run down. Add pregnancy into that mix, and what happened today, and we hit rock bottom.”
“Is the baby okay?” Aria clears her throat.
“Your blood work doesn’t show me anything to be concerned about. A little dehydrated, but if you’re feeling a little unwell, that’s normal. Let’s see what the scan shows.”
I move hair out of her face and lean forward and kiss her softly. “You and the baby are going to be fine.”
The doctor sets up the machine and gets to work. I take in a deep breath and hold it. The moment the screen flickers to life, I concentrate on the baby. I breathe a huge sigh of relief when I see the tiny heartbeat.
“Is he okay?” I ask.
The doctor nods and wipes off Aria’s tummy delicately. “The baby is fine. Nice strong heartbeat. We just need to make Mommy stronger again. I want to keep you in tonight. Please don’t argue with me, because I’m not bending the rules today.” The doctor raises his brows at Aria and we both laugh.
“I don’t think I have the energy to argue with you, Doctor.”
“Good, because I’m in no mood to be the bad doctor today.” He laughs.
“Can I stay with her?” I ask.
“Of course. I’ll keep the regular fluids going overnight. We’ll reassess in the morning. If anything changes before then, we’ll deal with it.”
“Thanks, Doc.” I hold my hand out and he shakes it.
The moment we’re alone, I place a kiss on her temple. Her hand tightens around mine and I sit on the edge of the bed.
“I should go and tell everyone what’s happening.”
“Five minutes. I just want five minutes where it’s just us. No one talking over someone. No one telling me what I should be doing. Just us.”
“It will always just be us, babe. Well, until this little diva makes an appearance.” I place my hand over her tummy and feel the little movements.