Page 21 of Forbidden Love
He pushes back a door, and we enter the dull room. I see Kally lying in the bed, hooked up to oxygen and lots of different medications going through drips. She looks peaceful compared to the last time I saw her in my parents’ house, doubled over in pain.
“Can she hear me?” I take her hand in mine and rub my thumb across it delicately.
“Yes. Kally, can you hear me?” asks the doctor.
Her beautiful brown eyes flutter open and land on me. She tries to pull at the oxygen mask, but I catch her hand and hold it with mine.
“Hey, sweetheart. You gave us all quite the scare.”
The tears fall down the side of her face, and I squeeze her hands. It’s the only thing I can do because I don’t want to hurt her.
“She didn’t make it, did she?”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. She was too ill with the complications you suffered.”
I shuffle up the bed and take her cheeks in my hands. I place a gentle kiss on her head and wipe the hair out of her face. “It’s okay. I’m going to be here for you.”
“You know when I leave here he won’t let you anywhere near me,” she sobs.
“I’ll deal with my brother.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but, Kally, did you have any trauma to your stomach recently? Did you have a fall or anything you can think of? We usually only see this kind of abruption from trauma to the stomach.”
I look from the doctor to Kally and study her closely. “Kal. What happened? Tell us,” I plead.
“I can’t, Clark. He’ll kill my parents.”
“Are you telling me this is because of Colton? What did he do?”
I cut her off. “I’ll protect your parents. Your daughter is dead, Kally. Enough is enough. Let us help you.”
“He raped me this afternoon. Hard.” She closes her eyes and sobs.
I want to tear out of here and kill my brother for this. He’s crossed too many lines over the years, but this is one he will never step back over without a fight.
“Doctor, is there any way you can get my other brother in here? Make up some story about him getting Kally clothes from home? He can get my lawyer here.”
“I’ll also need to contact the police.”
“Of course. You might need them when I wring that bastard’s neck.”
“I never heard you say that. What’s your other brother’s name?”
“Damien. Damien Collinson.”
“Give me a minute.”
I turn my attention back to Kally and turn around to lie down beside her carefully. “Look at me, beautiful.” Her empty eyes hold my gaze. Lifeless eyes that once were so vibrant. “Let me help you. Please.”
“Someone is going to get hurt, Clark. This isn’t going to end well. For You. For me. For my family.”
“I think you’re the only one hurting right now. Let me try. Let me get your parents away from here and then we’ll take care of this together, like we should have done years ago.”
“I should have died with her,” she sobs.
I gasp. I feel like I’ve been stabbed in the heart hearing Kally talk like that. I hate that she feels like that’s her only way out now.