Page 29 of Forbidden Love
I’m not looking forward to laying my niece to rest or watching Kally break a little bit further, but I will be by her side.
“Slowly.” I ease her back onto the couch and prop a couple of soft cushions at her sides for comfort. “Can I get you anything?”
“The truth. I want to know what Clive was saying that made you raise your voice.”
I sigh. “Colton got bail.”
Kally tries to jump back up, but the pain stops her, and she folds her arms over her chest. I knew this information would throw her into a tailspin. I really wish I didn’t have to tell her.
“He can’t come anywhere near you or your family. If he does, we’ll get him carted off to jail. You’re safe here, sweetheart. Our main concern is getting you back on your feet.”
“I’ll leave you both to it,” says Clive.
“If you hear anything…”
“I know.” He cuts me off from the door. “You’ll be the first person I call.”
“He’s going to come for me, Clark.”
“Over my dead body. Now, how about getting you something to eat? Nancy has gone out with Jared to stock up on things you like, but she has left her famous mac and cheese in the refrigerator. Why don’t I heat some for you?”
“That sounds good.” She leans her head back on the couch.
I can see that she’s still exhausted. It’s going to take us a long time to get her back on her feet fully, and I’ll be damned if I let Colton get anywhere near her.
I hate that he’s out on bail. I hate that he’s still controlling her life after the charges brought against him. If I could get my hands on my father for posting his bail, I’d take great pleasure in throttling the asshole.
I’ve sat for the last hour watching Kally sleeping on my couch. I’ve dreamed about her being here for three goddamn years, but I didn’t want it like this. Not with her in pain.
Every time Kally moves slightly, I hear her whimper out in discomfort from her surgery. Everything is a constant reminder of what she’s been through. Of what she’s lost.
My front door opens and closes, taking my mind and eyes away from Kally. I look over my shoulder to see Damien, Jared, and Nancy walking towards us. The house has been so quiet today, but now everyone comes in at once.
“Have you looked outside lately, bro?” asks Damien.
“Not really. Why?”
“Vultures. We struggled to get through the gate. It appears the press has caught on to the fact that Colton has been charged with rape, Kally’s here, and they want to know how Kally feels about Colton’s shock release.”
I sigh and sit forward, resting my elbows on my knees. I knew once word got out about Colton’s charges and Kally’s loss, the press would come hounding us. My family has made a name for themselves in New Orleans. This news will not be welcomed.
“I should increase security. I don’t want anything to ruin Daisy’s funeral on Friday.”
When we knew Kally was getting released from hospital, I discussed with her about the land I have here on this property. It’s private and secluded. I offered to let her lay Daisy to rest here. No one can interrupt the service, and Kally can visit her whenever she wants without being worried about the press and my family. I was happy she agreed, and I set everything into motion with the appropriate paperwork.
“How’s she doing?” Nancy wipes hair off Kally’s face and studies her sleeping form.
“I know she can’t be comfortable lying there, but I didn’t want to wake her up. She’s hardly slept since she came home.”
“Let her be. She has pain meds for when she wakes up.” Nancy straightens up and lifts the coffee cups from the table. “I’ll start on dinner.”
The buzzer sounds, and Jared leaves Damien and me watching Kally. I have a thousand and one things to do for work and Kally, but this right here seems like the only important one. It’s the only place I want to be.
“Clark, the gate security says your mother is here. Should they buzz her in?” asks Jared.