Page 53 of Forbidden Love
“Baby steps. There’s no hurry, remember. Just enjoy this afternoon with Kally. I’ll fill her parents in for you. Just do what you have to. And give Kally all our love.”
“I will. Thank you, Nancy.” I lean in and kiss her cheek before rushing off to my room to pick up the bag of clothes I’ve bought for Kally. I know she didn’t want anything from her past, and when she comes home, she’ll see that her room is a fresh start. Her wardrobe is brand new. Her bathroom is filled with new toiletries and hair products. Not one thing isn’t new. Damien and I even redecorated the room so nothing would be a reminder of her dark period. I aim to make her transition from the clinic to home as easy and as pain-free as possible.
I’m buzzed into the facility waiting room after several security checks. It’s like Fort Knox to get in here, but that’s a good thing. I look out the window to see the most beautiful gardens ever. People are reading, walking, listening to music. There’s even an exercise group happening under a set of trees. It’s peaceful. Calming.
“Clark.” Gail walks towards me and holds out her hand for me to shake.
It feels a lot longer than two weeks since I last saw her in person. Telephone conversations have been straight to the point. Now, here we are again. Another time, another place, but with hopefully better news.
“Thank you for inviting me here today.”
“It’s my pleasure. Have a seat.” She points to the seat beside me, and I oblige. “How are you?”
I shrug. “I’ve been better. But today is a good day.”
Gail nods. “I can imagine. I’m hoping you’ll see a big difference in Kally today. I’ll have a quick five-minute meeting with you before you leave, but I’ll go and get Kally now.”
“What do I do? I mean, when Kally comes in here.”
“Just be you.”
I take in a deep breath and let it out slowly. I can do this. I can act like myself. That’s easy.
“I’ll be right back. I sent Trish, Kally’s nurse, to go get her when I knew you were here.”
“Thank you, Gail.”
And just like that, I’m left sitting on my own. I run my hands down my jean-clad thighs. I twiddle my thumbs, play with the sleeves of my jumper; anything to pass the time. The door opens, and Gail walks in first, with Kally behind her. She looks up from the ground slowly. I can see the moment her eyes register me, because they fill with tears, and she rushes into my arms. I stand up just in time to catch her. Her small frame in my arms is the best feeling in the world. Once again, even if it is for a short time, I have Kally right where I need her.
“Just push the call button when you’re ready to leave,” says Gail.
I mouth the words, ‘thank you,’ to her, and she leaves Kally and me standing in the middle of the room together.
I move us over to the couch without untangling Kally from me. I manage to sit us down, and she looks at me with tears falling down her cheeks.
“I was worried about meeting you today in case things would be different,” she practically whispers.
I take her face in my hands and kiss the end of her nose delicately, just like I use to do when we were high school kids.
“Nothing will ever be different between us, Kal. We’re soulmates. Nothing can break that bond… ever. You look a lot better since the last time I saw you.”
She nods and smiles at me. It isn’t a full-on smile because it doesn’t reach her eyes, but it’s a start. “I’m okay. I still have moments where the dark overtakes, and I still have moments where I just want to run, but I’m learning ways to deal with that. In fact, one of those moments led to this meeting today.”
“I’m glad I’m getting to see you, but I’m not so glad to hear that you dealt with more pain to get here.”
“It’s all part of the healing process, or so I’m told. What’s in the bags?”
I break eye contact and look over at the bags I brought with me. “I’ve brought you some new clothes and books. I left a couple of gifts with the receptionist for you. She said she’d take them to your room.”
“You didn’t need to do that, Clark.”
“I know. I wanted to. But Nancy was in her element taking me shopping for things she said you’d like. So, if you don’t like anything, please blame Nancy.”
We both laugh.
“How is Nancy?”