Page 59 of Forbidden Love
“You stay on lockdown until I tell you otherwise.”
I nod slowly and bite my lip. “I promise I’ll behave.”
“Good girl. Now, I’m heading off to get organized. I’ll have my cell with me if you need me for anything, but try to relax.”
“Keep my family safe, Caleb.”
“You have my word, Kally. Get some rest. We’ll speak soon.”
“Goodbye, Caleb.”
I hang up the call and hug the cell to my chest again. I’ll be able to relax knowing Clark is safe and not acting recklessly. He wants Colton’s head on a platter for what he did to me. I don’t blame him, but the thought of Clark being in danger at the hands of Colton and his family makes me murderous. I have this gut feeling that something bad is going to happen, but there isn’t anything I can do to help. I think I’d be more of a hindrance than a help on the outside, especially since I’m still not myself, and even more so since there’s a threat on the loose.
I need to have faith in the Shawlands, Clark and Damien, and anyone else that’s on their side. I’m hoping Colton will be outnumbered if a fight comes. I’m praying that he will get exactly what’s coming to him.
Chapter 28
“You have that look on your face that makes me want to throw you in the basement and lock you up,” says Nancy as she puts down a cup of coffee in front of me. “I always knew that look when you were a child. When you were planning mischief.”
I pick up the coffee and inhale the strong liquid. Nancy knows me so well and makes my coffee as strong as possible. I’m surprised she’s not giving me the ‘coffee isn’t good for you,’ talk.
“Are you going to work this morning?”
I shake my head. “No. I’ve got some stuff to take care of.”
“What stuff?”
A part of me wants to tell her to mind her own business, but Nancy has been too good to me to get my wrath. I know she means well.
“Nancy, you sound like an old nag.”
“I’m not going to apologize, Clark. So…” She pulls out the stool opposite mine at the breakfast bar and sits down. “What are you doing today?”
I shake my head.
“I’m going to the hospital to see my father.”
She nods. “And what do you hope to achieve by doing that? I’m guessing it isn’t a get well soon visit.”
“I hope to lure Colton out. I need to speak to him. I know you won’t understand…”
“You’ve got that right. No good will come from you meddling in this situation. Colton is evil. There isn’t one understanding bone in that man’s body. Leave it to the professionals.”
I know Nancy’s right, but I won’t tell her I don’t intend to do much talking. It would kill her to hear that I’m turning into my father and brother.
The silence surrounding us is deafening. Her eyes are burning holes through me. She’s doing that Nancy Drew thing, where she tries to unravel everything I’m thinking about.
“I swear to God, Clark…” She pauses and shakes her head in disgust. “If you do anything stupid, I’m going to kill you myself.”
“I won’t…”
“You’re like a son to me. Life without you will not be worth living.”
I reach over and take her hand in mine. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m just going to make sure we can live our lives as normally as possible. No looking over our shoulders.”