Page 64 of Forbidden Love
I run into the house and get stopped when Marco appears from the dining room. “Damien, what’s troubling you?”
“Is Clark here? Have you seen him today?”
He shakes his head frantically. “No. Clark hasn’t been here for a long time. What’s happening?”
I run back out front and meet Clay and Caleb as they come back from the side of the house.
“He’s not here.” I kick at the stones and dust flies up. “Now what?”
Caleb walks away from us on his cell, and I look around the whole area. None of this feels right. Something is seriously off.
“Chris has got something. He’s sending me the last text message Clark received. His last phone call made was to Colton, but it went to voicemail.”
Caleb’s cell dings, and he holds it out for me to see. “Does it ring any bells?” asks Clay.
“The pavilion. Fuck!”
I run as fast as my feet can take me. The blood coursing through my veins is ice cold, and the fear of what we could face on the pavilion is overtaking every rational thought.
I can hear Caleb and Clay running after me. I run through the bushes and see Clark’s car parked at the entrance to the lane that runs alongside the pavilion. I can see no one is inside the car, but I run my hand over the hood and it’s a little warm.
“We need to approach with care. We could be walking into a trap,” says Clay.
I don’t say anything. I run down the lane and onto the pavilion. I see nothing. The back of the bandstand is in my vision, but it looks empty. I sprint towards it, and as I get closer, I can see something lying in front of the bandstand.
“Clark!” I yell.
I slow down as I approach the body on the ground. Seeing the blood, the pale complexion of my brother, I fall to my knees. I don’t know what to do. It’s only when Caleb drops to his knees opposite me that I snap out of it.
Caleb checks for a pulse. “There’s a faint pulse. Call 911, quickly!”
“On it,” says Clay.
“What did he do to you, buddy? Come on. You can’t give up now, Clark. Kally needs you. I need you. We all need you. We can’t do this without you.” Tears fall down my face and I don’t even try to cover it up. I pull Clark’s head into my chest and hold him tightly.
Clark and I have always been more than brothers. We’re best friends. We went to the same parties, confided in each other over girls, teenage problems, and our family. I can’t lose him now. I want him to have the life he deserves, not succumb to the psycho behavior of our so-called brother.
“He’ll be okay, right?” I ask Caleb.
Caleb reaches over and squeezed my arm. “He needs proper medical care, Damien. I can’t say what’s going to happen, and I don’t want to make you a promise I don’t know if I can keep.”
My head falls and my chin hits Clark’s head. I don’t want to have to tell Nancy and Kally that Clark is at death’s doors, or worse. This will crucify them both. Colton knew exactly what he was doing. He’s caused more harm to everyone by hurting Clark. Clark is our anchor. Without him, I shudder to think what will happen.
The sirens in the background echo around us, but it seems like they’re taking forever to get here. Everything is in slow motion.
“Come on. Let the paramedics work, buddy.”
I’m not sure which brother helps me to my feet, but my whole body feels heavy.
“Please be okay,” I pray to whoever is listening to me. I’m not even religious.
Please be okay, Clark.
Chapter 32
I’ve tried Clark’s number several times. I’ve called Caleb more times than I can count. I’ve even called the house, but no one is answering me. Something is wrong. I pace back and forth, biting my nails. I feel helpless here, and I need to be with my family. Putting my feet into my shoes, I grab my jacket and leave my room. I don’t get four feet when two nurses approach me. I don’t know them, but they clearly know what I’m planning.