Page 67 of Forbidden Love
“Maybe we should sit down for this.”
“What is it?” I ask. “I don’t know how much more I can take today.”
My head’s a mess.
“It’s your father. He’s dead.”
My dad is dead.
“How? Why? The blast wasn’t that bad, right?”
“I’m not really sure. It happened in the ICU that Clark will be coming to now. Chris found out.”
“My mother doesn’t know about Clark either.”
It’s just one bombshell after another. How many knocks can one family get before it completely disintegrates with the pressure?
“We’ll make sure Clark has around the clock security until he gets home,” says Caleb.
“Thank you, boys,” says Jared.
The death of my father—as heartless as this will make me sound—means nothing to me. We lost our dad a long time ago. In fact, I don’t think we ever had a father figure. Not one we ever looked up to. However, as a family, it’s just something else that’s piled on top of our already heavy load.
My mother, twisted as she has become, is still my mother. I want to be there for her, to comfort her, but Clark is my priority. I can’t deal with my family or Kally now. I need to get my own head straight first, then maybe, just maybe, I can help others around me to do the same.
“I need to get some fresh air.”
I walk away from my loved ones and friends and keep on walking when my name is called several times. Sitting in the hospital will only make me overthink things, and I want Clark to wake up and be able to rely on me.
Chapter 35
I’ve been sitting in the parking lot of Kally’s clinic for what feels like hours, but dusk is just starting to fall, so it can’t have been that long. I’m still on a high from killing my father, but I have someone else that deserves a visit from the grim reaper.
I watch the delivery truck pull up at the side of the building. Two guys jump out, laughing. I can’t help but wonder how different my life could have been if I wasn’t born into the Collinson name. If I’d just walked away like my brothers. But I shake that away, climb out of my car, and jog over to the now open entrance. I can’t turn the clocks back, but I can move forward. I can do what I set out to do – claim my revenge.
Both guys turn to see me at the same time. “G’day, Doc!” says guy number one in a strong Australian accent.
I’ve been so preoccupied with what I just did to my father that I forgot I was still in scrubs and a doctor’s jacket. For once, my idiotic brain worked in my favor, because they must think I work here. I nod and grunt in their direction. I might look the part, but I’m no actor. Those guys are either stupid or blind if they think I’m a real doctor. Either way, I’m thankful that I might be able to just walk inside this building without drawing attention to myself.
The open shutter is an entry into the laundry room. Again, as if luck is on my side for once, it’s empty. I have no cares who sees me; I’m armed and dangerous. I’ll take down anyone who gets in my way of getting to the bitch. I must make her pay for crossing me and making me look like a fool. No one leaves me and gets away with it. She has made me look stupid, and now I’m going to take her down with me. Why should she get to live a long life?
The hallways are quiet, not what I expected at all. Nothing is clinical or hospital-like. It’s quite calm and homely for the type of place it is. I always imagined these places to be a hive of activity, screaming and shouting, people trying to escape. I guess I’ve watched too many movies.
I pass the kitchen, and there’s a little more activity in there. The scent of food hits my nose, and it makes my stomach rumble. I can’t remember the last time I ate anything, but food is the last thing on my mind. I only have a hunger for revenge, a thirst for blood, and murder on my mind.
I walk along the hallway, checking through the small glass pane in the doors, but each time I come up with no sight of Kally makes me angrier.
“She’ll be out of it for a while with the sedation, Mr. Shawland. Don’t worry about Kally. I think you’ve all got enough on your minds right now,” says someone from the office to my right.
So the bitch is sedated. That will make my work easier once I find her. I walk over to the board and look at the patients’ names written down. I don’t see Kally’s. I look at the different areas, but I don’t understand what everything means. Padded cells was what I was hoping to see, but that wouldn’t be politically correct. I shake my head and look around. I walk over to the office where I heard the tail end of the conversation and notice a woman sitting, typing.
“Tell me where Kally Collinson is being held.” I take out my gun and hold it up in front of me.
“I’m sorry.” The woman looks away from her computer and pauses. “I can’t tell you that. Have a seat. Let’s chat.”
I laugh. Only in a psych ward would someone try to talk down a guy with a gun.