Page 19 of The Gift Of Life
I follow my mum downstairs and take in every picture that adorns the walls. The memories are magical. A time when everyone was happy and had no cares in the world.
“Look at you and Jack at the Santa Fe Hotel in Disneyland Paris.”
My hand runs over the glass delicately. “That was the day that Jack fell off the wall and split his eye open. Mickey Mouse held his hand throughout the whole cleanup. Jack said that was the best part of the holiday.”
“He always was the wild one. That’s why I have grey hair now.”
I laugh. I full-on belly laugh. And it feels bloody good. I can’t remember the last time I laughed like that. And that’s why I always take pictures, because one day we might not have the brain power to remember things, but a photo never lies. A photo speaks a thousand words.
“Look at this one of you and Drew at prom.”
I remember that night. We were just good friends at that point, but I knew then that Drew was meant to be my knight in shining armour. My one true love.
“He always was handsome.” It isn’t until I hear my mum laughing that I realise I said my thoughts out loud. “Do you think we will ever get back what we once were?”
My mum places her hands on my cheeks and draws me close to her. “Always. You were meant to be together. That man loves you. He loved you as a boy and that will never change. I couldn’t have wished for a better son-in-law, Harper. All marriages go through difficult patches, sweetheart. No love is worth anything if you don’t have to fight for it. You’ll see.”
My mum has always been brutally honest with me. It’s one thing I love about her.
“Come and eat. Your father is away at the dominoes tournament at the pub, so we'll have peace and quiet for a few hours.”
The thought of just being home with my mum sounds like bliss. Just like the good old days.
Chapter 15
I stand on Harper’s parents’ porch and look at the flowers I hold in my hand. Is this too much? Should I have just bought chocolate? I hate that I feel so confused all the time. It isn’t like I don’t know what Harper likes. She’s my wife. I know everything about her.
The door opens and Harper stands in the doorway looking radiant in sweatpants and a vest top. Her hair is hanging loosely down by her shoulders. She looks a lot more comfortable in herself today.
“Are you planning on staying out here all day?” She breaks my thoughts.
I shake my head. I feel like someone has stolen my tongue. “Sorry. Can I lie and say I was checking my reflection in the door knocker?”
She smiles warmly at me. “Have you become a little vain there, Drew? I thought that was more up Derren's street. Come in.”
I follow her inside and close the door. The house is like I remember it. It’s like my parents’ house; it never changes. I guess farmers of any kind have more to worry about than home improvements.
“Can I get you a drink?”
“Only if you’re making one for yourself.”
She shrugs. “I fancy going riding on Snowdrop. What do you think?”
“Sure. If that’s what you want.”
“I’ll just change into something a little more appropriate. And are those for me?” She points at the flowers.
I shake my head at my stupidity. Anyone would think I was a teenager trying to win the girl of his dreams.
“Sorry. Yes. Yes, they are. I was meant to give you them at the door.”
Harper takes the flowers from me and puts them in the sink. She walks back towards me and takes my hand. The feel of her warm skin is amazing. It’s familiar.
“I’m still me, Drew. Relax. Thank you for the flowers. I’ll put them in a vase when we come back if mum doesn’t beat me to it. You must promise me one thing.”
“Anything.” And that is one thing I can truly say. I will do anything for Harper. She has me by the short and curlies.