Page 26 of The Gift Of Life
“Have you called the estate agents?”
“I wanted to run it passed you first. You contributed to more of those savings than I did.”
“It’s ours. I say go for it. What do we have to lose? A few savings.” I shrug like it’s no big deal. It is no big deal; money doesn’t make you happy.
She wraps her arms around my neck, and I hold her tightly. Her warmth radiates through me, and I shiver, but not because I'm cold. Quite the opposite. I have my girl in my arms. I’ve missed her. I’ve missed this. And the fact that she has something to look forward to might just be the distraction she needs.
Chapter 19
“You’re an adult, Harper. I can’t really stand in your way,” says my mum.
I’ve just told her about the gallery and that I’ve put in an offer. The estate agent is confident it will be mine because I didn’t go much lower than the asking price and the owner wants a quick sale. I’m excited. Nothing is going to dull my sparkle, not even my mum’s mood. Anyone would think she wanted to see me so doom and gloom all the time. This is a good thing. I’m trying to get my life back on track.
“I take it this means you’ll be going home soon.”
I concentrate on my mum because I can’t figure her out. Is that her subtle way of saying I’ve outstayed my welcome?
“I’m not ready for that yet. That house...” I shudder at the thought of stepping inside a building that once was my safe haven. “But if you want me to go then...”
“No. No. No.” She rushes to my side and takes my hand in hers. “I don't want you to go. You can stay as long as you need. This is your home. Although, I know that the day will come soon when I must let you go again. I’m just scared...”
“Mum.” I wrap my arms around her. “I have a long way to go. I know that. But I have help. I have support. I...” I sigh. “I will never let things get on top of me the way I did before. I promise.”
“Have you told Drew?”
“Of course. I told him before I made any decisions. It’s important that I talk and that I share my thoughts and feelings. Dr Carmichael told me that bottling things up, mulling over things, and constantly warring with myself is the key to destruction. The key to building my strength is by opening up and talking things through. I know why I ended up desolate. I won’t allow that to happen again.”
“I like this doctor. He’s been good for you.”
“Maybe you should come with me on Friday. We can talk with him together.”
“I might just do that, sweetheart. Now, I’m going to make us a pot of tea. I’m just about to take scones out of the oven. We can eat them warm.”
And that side of my mother is the one that fills me with so much comfort. The house when I was growing up always smelled like home cooking and baking. There’s something very nostalgic about those scents. Something I hope to be able to recreate in my family home one day.
Chapter 20
Friday arrived all too quickly, and as I suggested, my mum came to my appointment with me to see Dr Carmichael. I’m not sure what it will achieve, but I’m hoping she will be able to see things from my side and stop moaning at me when I want to do something that’s out of my comfort zone. I don't want everyone’s first thought being, is she going to try and kill herself again? I know my loved ones will be haunted by the choices I made, but we all have to try and move forward... somehow. I think I’m at that stage of recovery where I can say life is starting to look up. I’m not waking through the night constantly questioning my choices. I’m not constantly thinking about the baby I couldn’t protect. Of course, I will never forget her, she will always be a part of me, and I will forever be reminded of what I lost, but the pain isn’t consuming me. It isn’t making me think dark thoughts like it previously did.
“Hi, guys. Sorry I kept you waiting,” says Dr Carmichael as he comes into his office. “I had an emergency I had to take care of.”
I know only too well what kind of emergencies he must take care of. I was one of them not too long ago.
“That’s okay. Thank you for seeing us today.”
“It’s my pleasure. How have you been since we last spoke, Harper?”
“Good. Really good, actually. I’ve decided to buy a shop to turn into a gallery.”
Dr Carmichael sits forward and gives me his full attention. “Wow. You have been busy. That’s great news. And you have the support there?”
I shrug and look over at my mum. “Drew has been amazing. He is fully supportive.”
“Mrs Drysdale, how do you feel about it?”