Page 29 of The Gift Of Life
“Nothing important, just my alcohol-fuelled brain working overtime.”
And tonight is a night out. It’s meant to be time for me, for my friends, and to help us escape work and reality because both guys I’m out with tonight have had their ups and downs this year. In fact, there’s no one I know who hasn’t had their share of troubles lately. This year has been an absolute fucker. I will be toasting the year out at Hogmanay because I’ll be glad to see the back of it.
My phone vibrates in my pocket. It’s a habit I've got into since Harper's ordeal because a silent phone won’t alert me to trouble. At least if it vibrates in a noisy bar or while at work, I can feel it.
Harper: I hope you had a good night.
I look at the time. Jesus Christ. It’s nearly midnight. Time really does fly when you’re having fun... or when copious amounts of alcohol is coursing through your veins.
Me: I'm still out. Paul is murdering the karaoke. What did you watch at the cinema?
Moments pass, but I watch the dancing dots in the corner of my phone, waiting for Harper's reply.
Harper: Barbie. It was okay. The nachos and pick ‘n’ mix were more up my street.
I laugh. That’s my girl. She only goes to the cinema for the snacks. One time, it cost me twenty-three pounds for a pick ‘n’ mix. Not that I ever begrudged her it. We were eating sweets all weekend.
Me: What are you doing now?
“What has taken your attention on that thing?” Carl nudges me and tries to look over my shoulder.
He smiles brightly at me. “It’s good to hear you say that. Love’s young dream.”
“I think we’re a few steps away from that yet, but it’s good to see her, to talk to her, and we’ve enjoyed some moments together. Things we hadn’t done together for some time, like horse riding. Who would have thought riding a horse would connect two people?” I roll my eyes and shake my head.
“Take it from this forty-something old man who has been married for twenty-odd years. You could be poor, wearing black bags for clothes, eating beans on toast, but if you have the woman you love in your life then you’re the richest man on Earth. Trust me, me and my Jules have been through some shit, lost some people, but nothing breaks true love, buddy.”
“When did you get so wise?”
“Ssshh. You’ll ruin my street cred.”
“Jesus Christ, everyone is thirsty tonight.” Paul bangs a tray of beers down on the table and hands them out to us.
My phone vibrating in my hand breaks me away from Paul and Carl ribbing one another.
Harper: Just had a shower, got my pjs on, and I’m not sure whether to read for a while or put on some cringeworthy film.
The thought of Harper relaxed in bed stirs something inside of me, and I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or my confidence that makes me write: I miss you. I wish I was there.
The dots dance on my screen for what feels like hours, but in reality, it’s only a few moments.
Harper: I wish you were here too.
I sigh with frustration. Then my phone vibrates again.
Harper: I can sneak you in the front door like old times.
My heart rate quickens, and I sit up straighter. Is she being serious? What do I do here? It isn’t like I haven’t snuck into her parents’ house before; it was a regular occurrence when we were teens.
“Guys. I’m getting out of here.” I take out my wallet, throw twenty pounds down, and say, “Next round is on me.”
“Is everything okay?” asks Carl.
“Perfect. I’ve just got a better offer. See you on Monday at work.”
I decide not to tell Harper I'm coming until I’m outside the house because I don’t want her to have second thoughts. I practically jog to the taxi rank, grab the first one, and tell him where to take me.