Page 11 of Threads of Fate
“I got out of the shower and I heard that fucking moan again and then there was a ghost trying to flicker into the real world. What the hell kind of ghosts are these? They aren’t like anything I have seen before.” I say checking over my body but realize I would not find evidence of being tired…physically. “I’m not tired but then again they haven’t touched me, yet.” Noah grabs my hands and pulls on me slowly toward him. Giving me time to pull away. He continues to pull me into his lap so that I'm straddling him. I put my hands on his shoulders and he leans his forehead against mine. I just let myself relax for a moment even if I should be hightailing it out of this damn house.
“What has changed? Why is my ability different now?” I sigh, knowing he wont have the answer but it would be nice if someone did. “They flicker in and out like a bad TV signal. That’s the only way I know how to describe it. They also look like every other ghost out there that I have seen but they sure as hell don't act like it.”
“So, the plan is to research this house. Maybe if we find a list of the previous owners we can research them and maybe find a clue as to what is going on.” Noah lifts me off his lap to stand. “We should start at the library?”
“Yeah. That sounds good. Maybe I should do some online research. Maybe find an occult shop in the city. I could maybe talk to someone there? It may take a while to root around for an actual person who knows what they are talking about.” I say to myself walking back and forth in my room. My finger pinching my lip and brow furrowed in concentration. I look up at Noah. “We also need to talk about that,” I say to him, pointing at the chair. He turns his head to the chair and then back to me and his neck starts to turn a lovely shade of red.
“Yeah, we definitely should. Ghosts take precedence though. Don’t you think?” I squint at him.
“Seems like they would both be important, Noah.”
“Yes, they are. I just want to make sure you're safe. You literally came scrambling out of the bathroom, naked.” Noah steps towards me. “I don’t want to fight about this.”
“And I don’t either. I just need to know where we stand. I need one problem fixed. I need one stable thing in my life. I can’t have so many things that are chaotic in my life. No one can, Noah. This is the one thing I know that can be sorted,” Noah grabs my arms and pulls me in a hug, “without researching books and finding witches.” I look up at him.
“Okay, I get it. That over there,” He says swinging us both to face the chair, “was me trying to comfort you. It was me trying to comfort me. I also just wanted to hold you. I’ve never gotten to do that before, like that anyways. I want to hug you, kiss you,” his lips move toward me ear, “fuck you.” I shiver at the words, my pussy suddenly aching. A heady need overwhelms me. “I want to play with you, edge you. I want you in my bed, in my truck, on my couch and against the wall.” Where the hell did this Noah come from? “I want to wake up next to you every morning. I want to make breakfast with you in our pajamas. I want to cuddle by the fire. I want it all Dana.”
“Okay,” I croak out. “I think I have an idea of where this is headed.” My voice is breathy and I’m trying to shove the need boiling over in me down. This is not the time. I look up at Noah, he’s staring right back at me. His unruly hair falling to his forehead. I take in his strong chin, straight nose. I look at his lips for a moment and then his lips are on mine. Kissing me roughly. His hands cup my face, putting me right where he wants me. He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth and drags his teeth along it as he groans. Sending heat straight to my center. He pulls back and stares into my eyes. ‘Fuck’ is all he says before he descends again. Wild and hurried. I let him dominate my mouth. Following his lead. Then, he slows, running his lips up my chin. I realize my hands are clutching to his shirt like he’s the only thing keeping me from floating off. I release him and move my hands around his neck. He tangles one hand into my hair while the other caresses down my back. Pulling me closer. He kisses down my neck, nipping at the sensitive skin as he goes. He pulls my head back and to the side. Giving himself the full length of my neck. I’m lost to oblivion. Letting him do as he pleases as I run my hands up into his hair making him growl.
I open my eyes when I sense being watched. It takes me a moment to realize there is a hoard of shadows on my walls. I try to scramble out of Noah’s hold. When he shakes himself out of his lust filled daze, he looks confused. These shadows aren’t like the rest though. They are static or flickering in and out. They are like a normal shadow.
“Shadows.” I say. Noah turns around to see then looks back at me. His eyes wide and the color is draining from his face. I grab his hand and we book it out of the house. We get to the truck and my breaths are coming in heavy pants. Noah is behind me stroking my back but I can feel the tremble in his hands.
Why the fuck is this happening!?
“What the fuck was that?” Noah says a slight shake to his voice.
I gently bang my head against the driver window and then rest my head against it. Noah wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder. I drag in deep breaths and slowly let them out. Trying to get a hold of the rising panic that is threatening to consume me.
“Those were shadows. Those were different from everything else I have been seeing.” I quietly say.
“Jesus. It just looked like chaos. Well, now we have another thing to research.”
I turn my head enough to look up at my house to search the windows for a lurking shadow or really anything that would explain the shadows. There’s nothing. My house just sits there like it always had. Looking warm and inviting. Unassuming. Even if she needs a paint job.
“How about we go to the library and see what old newspaper articles we can dig up about this house and we stay the night at my house? You don't have work till tomorrow, correct?” I nod my head. “Good, it's still morning, let's go back inside, pack you a bag as quickly as we can. We need to get out of this house. Let’s also get some Corner Cafe coffee and maybe some breakfast? My treat.” He sways us back and forth slightly. Always my rock even when he himself is probably terrified. The movement soothes me long enough to get my nerves together for the trek back into the nightmare I now live.
I turn around towards my house, grab Noah’s hand and walk back into the house. We hurry up the stairs and peek into my room. I don’t see any shadows so I walk quickly into my room and start throwing some clothes onto the bed. I throw a bag on the bed and speed walk to the bathroom to grab my shower things. I quickly grab the door handle and fling the door open, hitting the wall. Right now I don't care about holes.
I grab what I need and the extra set of clothes on the counter. I practically sprint to the room and throw my clothes in the bag. I notice Noah has thrown everything else in there. I zip the bag and throw it over my shoulder. I start to hear whispers.
“I hear whispers.” Tears well up in my eyes. I don't know if they are from frustration or because I’m scared. Probably both to be honest. Noah nods and grabs my hand and we jog downstairs and out of the house. Noah opens the passenger door and helps me into the truck. When he climbs into the driver seat he starts the truck and backs out of the driveway. When we get down the street he puts his hand on my thigh and gives my leg a gentle squeeze. I unbuckle and move into the middle seat so I can rest my head on his shoulder. I put my hand on his thigh while he shifts down to stop at the stop sign at the end of my street.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” He asks.
“For getting me out of there, for not running for the hills, for always being my rock. For not thinking I’m crazy. For comforting me. For even taking me to bed last night. For many, many things.” I keep my head on his shoulder looking out the windshield. I feel his body rise with his breaths and I start to think I said too much.
“You don’t have to thank me. Ever. I do it because I want to because I would do just about anything for you.” He shakes his head. “Nope definitely everything and anything. Always.” I let a small smile cross over my face as we made our way through the town. When we make it to Corner Cafe, we have to park around the corner and down the street. He hops out and pulls me out through the driver door.
I stand up and blow out a huge breath. Relieved to be out of the house and in a bright open space. I look up at Noah and smile. He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the cafe. We stand in line for a few moments waiting to get our order in. I keep looking around waiting for the ghosts or I guess shadows now too. Maybe, I don't need to be scared of them. They are just shadows and ghosts after all. Or, maybe, that's just me hoping they are harmless creepy shadows.
‘Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See what happens first’ my mom would say. Didn't know I would ever truly relate to that saying. I need to know what the hell is happening and why? Does this run on my dads side of the family? My mom always told me no one in her family could do what I do.
Although, finding my father seems like it would be impossible because it was just a one night stand as she said. That was always her answer. She did let slip that he was the most attractive person she had ever met and that he was up for a couple days checking out the haunted hotels. She met him the last night he was here and that was that. I didn't need to know more than that and definitely didn't want to know more than that.