Page 38 of Threads of Fate
He hands the box over to me and engraved on the bottom left corner says ‘Dana’. I shoot an exasperated look at Kreed, “I don't understand why she never told me Kreed. Gods, I sound like a broken record. I was starting to think she had amnesia and just didn’t remember who she was.” I turned back to the tiara and placed it back in the box. “But she literally had a crown made for me that I would have never worn because she never told me!”
“Take the tiaras. I know she would want you to have them. You’ll need them at court anyways. Wear them like armor. Maybe they will bring some good luck”
“Will you be there with me? I mean, when I have to prance around or whatever it is that princess does?” Kreed smiles at me. A wide grin I haven’t seen. Luna moths must be taking flight in my stomach right at this very moment.
“If that is what you wish.” I smile and nod. I place the tiara boxes on the pile of more things I will be bringing. I push the box out of my way and pull the last one in front of me. I tear it open while Kreed stands up with grace even with all the bulk he has carrying around. He’s like a very fit and graceful bear. He starts folding the box tops and placing them back on the shelves.
When I open the box I find two boxes that are about a foot wide and a foot tall. I pull them out and push the box back. I try to open the box and I can't even find a seam. It is a solid looking square. I pick it up and it is heavy. Just when I think I packed away some giant blocks I hear something moving around in it. I shake it again and Kreed comes over.
“It’s a containment box. These can hold a multitude of large things. We should probably open these back at my house.” His eyes shoot to mine, “I mean, wherever you want to stay is fine. I can come visit. Wherever you want to stay is fine. I didn’t mean-”
I chuckle, “It’s fine. I figured I was staying with you or with my grandparents and even then I figured you lived in the palace or whatever you call them there.”
“We don't have palaces. At least in our country. The king and queen have their own manor. It’s huge but court hearings and other important issues are held at a separate residence. We don’t like to mix business and pleasure so to say.” I nod understanding and liking that court isn't something people live for.
“Okay, I would like to stay with you. If that’s okay with you?” I look down at the box in my hands. Unable to take his gaze. “Maybe separate rooms if possible, I’m not ready to share a bed with you.” Kreed’s hand came into my field of vision and lifted my chin up. A tingling feeling spread from where his hand touched me spreading down my neck and shoulders making me shiver.
“That is fine S’rella. We take this at your speed. I don’t expect you to jump in my bed.”
“Thank you. You really have been amazing.” I give him a smile and stand up. I dust my backside off and look down in the last box, checking for other things to go through. I see nothing else that I want or need to take with me.
“Let's get this upstairs and I’ll try to stuff it all into my case.” Kreed nods his agreement as he picks up the last box and places it back on the self next to the others. I grab everything except the boxes. Kreed grabs those for me and nods his head towards the stairs. I take the hint and start moving toward the stairs.
“So, you gonna explain why there’s an ominous looking hole in the wall with a gateway? With dusty books and armor strewn about?” Kreed asks as he follows me up the stairs.
“I did say this is how we found out about other worlds. It all started because of the ghosts. A creepy old lady in a rocking chair. Then, your shadows scaring the shit out of me. I thought I was being haunted by something more than what I usually see. Then, we researched my house in case it had something to do with a soul stuck here and it led us to me possibly having a much bigger basement than what I thought I had. Noah and I knocked down the false wall and found that.” I gesture down the stairs. “I also kept hearing my name. Which I guess will always happen as Aavin does not want to finish the bond.” I say as I push open the kitchen door.
“Tell me about the ghosts.” Kreed demands, stopping on the stairs.
“I have always been able to see ghosts but something changed a few days ago. A lot has changed and a few days ago, before this chaos, I would see ghosts milling around town. Sometimes they would try to touch me, drain me of my energy so they could speak. When they did speak it was unclear and it was only like one garbled word. Then, I would be laid up in bed for a few days gathering my strength back. The other day a ghost in a rocking chair yelled at me and really looked at me. It freaked me out. I have been seeing ghosts since. One of them told me they were ‘gonna get me’.” I shake my head at the memory. “They cut out like bad reception though. Like they have a hard time staying here. So, I don't think they are normal ghosts. That worries me.” When I look up at Kreed he is looking down at me. He looks at me like he is trying to figure out a particularly hard puzzle.
“Why are you just saying something now? I know Aavin knew a bit but this is way worse than I think either of us thought.”
“I’ll keep it in mind, Kreed. I have only had Noah and my mother to confide in and now I have neither.”
“Aavin and I are here for you. No matter the problem. He or I will figure it out. Even if I dislike the fact that he is your bond. You always come first.”
“Okay. I can do that.” I say quietly.
“So, Aavin calls your name?”
“His soul calls for me.” I say wistfully, “I don't feel either bond between you two. I just hear his soul calling to me and whatever happened at the dining table last night between us. So I don't know what I’m supposed to feel. It’s frustrating really.” I say as I walk down the hall to the living room where I left my case. I sit on the floor and start to rearrange my suitcase. Kreed comes in with my backpack that I left on the counter with my mother in hand and sits next to me. I try to rearrange my suitcase 3 times before I get frustrated and pick things to leave here. I can always come back but why does it feel like I’m not? That I won't see this house or Noah ever again. That is enough to start my water works again.
“Gods! I’m so tired of crying, it’s fucking useless. I keep telling myself that I’m going to be strong but everything sets me off!” I flop myself backward and lay on the floor. “Sorry.” I say wiping my face. Kreed leans over me.
“I can take you shopping when we get to Bathaile? Or I can portal back when we get to my house and grab your items that don't fit? I’d invite you to come back with me but I know you're going to hate this next part.”
“I probably should have clothes that are more of the Bathaile fashion, huh?” I wipe my face.
“Meh, we’re an accepting people. We won’t judge you for what you want to wear. I want you to be comfortable.” I give him a small smile. I lift my hand and run my fingers along his jaw. He takes a deep breath. That’s when I get a flash of something new. A deep seated feeling of rightness. I sat up so fast that I nearly headbutt him.
“Woah, what the fuck was that? Was that the tether?” I look at him, breathless at the feeling.
“What did you feel?”
“A rightness, like I was safe.” Kreed smiles.
“Yeah, something like that.” He pulls me up so I am sitting up all the way, I look at my suitcase and start to rearrange and pull the clothes I don't really need out. I flip the lid closed and zip it up. “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s get this show on the road.” I get up and put the clothes I’m leaving behind on the coffee table.