Page 43 of Threads of Fate
“What?!” He shouts, “How? How do you kill a fae on Earth? There isn’t a way…unless someone followed her? No earthling can kill a fae! We heal too quickly.” I nod, agreeing.
“A car accident. She drove into a ditch when it was raining.” Erikson scoffs.
“No. I am one hundred percent sure that is not how she died. Someone made it look like that. This is,” He sits back down with a thump, resting his head in his hands which are supported by his knees. I hear a sniffle. I sigh, knowing this hurts for him. Probably as much as it will Naomi's parents. He was practically her uncle. I am older than Naomi but we were friends, we went to the same parties and gatherings. We both went to the same meetings with the king and queen. I was not extremely close with her but I feel the loss all the same. Erikson though, he watched her grow up, taught her the sword, ran with her, trained with her everyday. I remember the man having tea parties with Naomi when she was a girl.
I get up and round the desk. I sit down in the chair and watch him grieve. He picks his head up and wipes his face.
“When?” He asks, “When did she pass? Is she buried over there on Earth?” His gold eyes are bloodshot and his skin is pale.
“Dana had her cremated. Per Naomi's wishes. Dana brought her ashes. I figured we could set her free. If that is what Dana wants.” Erikson nods and wipes his eyes one more time.
“I guess Furden and Li-ana are not aware?” I shake my head.
“After I get you set up and on your way, I’ll be sending them a bird to meet.”
“Yes,” He runs his hands down his pants. “Okay, I have to get home. My wife will be excited that I’m home for more than a couple days. I also have mu-” He chokes on the word, “much to tell her.” He clears his throat and gets up to pace the floor.
“If you would like, I can just give you some money and you can choose a place when you're ready? Or you can go to my vacation house? On Elini Island?”
“I think I would just like to go home right now. I need to prepare an altar for Naomi. I need to tell Marian.”
“That’s fine Erikson. Take your time. I know this was terrible news. I didn't break it well either. I’m sorry, I’m not good with this stuff.” I stand up uncomfortable, not knowing what to do. Dealing with deaths I’m not close to is one thing but when it’s personal it’s a whole new territory. I have never grieved death like everyone else. It hurts me but I move on and keep going. Some people think it makes me cold. Some have said I don't feel. Which is wrong, I do. I just don’t feel the need to air it. When my father passed I did much the same I am now. Passive. I felt the pain but I moved past the hurt. I tried comforting my mother but I think I was terrible at it. I don't know how to deal with the crying. What should I say? Sorry? That isn’t helpful. I don’t see the point in grieving the dead. Nothing will change the fact they are dead. I think of my father often and I think that’s the best way to ‘grieve’ the dead. Not with tears but with memories. Remember them and celebrate them. I have shown Dana more comfort than I have ever shown anyone. It feels natural with her. Maybe it's the tether. It knows what she needs. That’s all I can think of that is helping me not flounder with the Noah business. It’s not really the same though. Noah isn’t dead, he’s just a fucking kredar.
Erikson gives me a wry smile, “It was terrible news no matter how you say it. Nothing can soften the blow of a niece…of a daughter dying. Blood or not.” I see his eyes fill with tears again. “I’m going to take my leave. I have everything straightened out for you. Just give me a couple days and I will be around if you need me.”
“No, you will be at home with Marian. Grieving or on vacation. Take as long as you need.” He nods and heads swiftly out the door. I turned back to my desk and let out a deep sigh. I scrubbed my hands down my face and sat down. I grabbed ink and paper to start my letter to the king. I make it simple and to the point. I open my window behind my desk. I lean out and whistle. Greer, my hawk swoops in. She is brightly colored. Orange and peach tones. She’s been with me for the last twenty years. The most loyal bird I have ever had and oldest. She squawks at me and nuzzles my hand.
“Hey Greer, I have missed you.” She screeches and puffs her feathers out. “I need you to take this to King Furden please. It’s urgent.” I hand her some treats from the dish on the window sill. She waits for me to tie the note to her foot. Greer takes the treats and flies off.
I lean onto the window sill and look out at the fields. Nothing beats this view, this place and this air. I take a deep breath. It’s fresh and clean. Untainted. I get comfortable watching the birds fly around when I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I grimace and rub my sternum.
Fucking Noah.
I swear. I will strangle him if I ever see him again. Or better yet, I should drag his sorry ass back here to beg for forgiveness like the worm he is. I think I could rein in my jealousy for her. Just to watch him grovel. It would bring me immense happiness.
Yes, I could do it. The pain sharpens, do I let her grieve? Do I go and check on her? I don’t want to make the wrong move and make her uncomfortable. I wonder what to do for a few more minutes before I can’t take it anymore. Our brittle tether pulls me to find her. I push back from the window sill and head out the door. I walk to her room and knock. When I don't hear her moving around in there I open it. She must be in the bathroom. I stand outside the bathroom door and knock.
“Dana?” I wait a minute but don’t hear anything but the water running. I knock again and hear a soft sob when I strain my ears. I start to open the door, “Dana?” I call again when I have the door cracked.
“Sorry, am I taking too long? I’ll be out in a minute!” I hear her sniff and clear her throat.
“No, take your time. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Yeah, of course, everything i-is fine.”
“Okay, do you need anything? I’m done with everything I need to do. I’m just waiting on Furden to send a message back.” She takes a minute to think about it.
“A drink? A strong one. I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Okay, meet me at the bar we passed coming in, whenever you're ready.”
I nod and close the door. I leave her room and head down the hall to the living space. I sit at the bar and wait for her. I look over all the spirits I have. Some are so old they are before my time. I’m not a big drinker. I do have a social drink but I like to be alert and ready.
I trace my hands along the edge of the bar, thinking about all the drinks I had here with my father. I bet we would be having a drink to celebrate finding Dana. Clinking glasses and planning a party. I would not want a party. Maybe an intimate gathering but my parents never did anything small. Every time I made another turn around the sun, they made sure there was a huge party. Only for my early years though. We live so long it's ridiculous to keep track of our age or have a party every year but they always came up with a reason to have a gathering. Anniversaries, centennials, solstice, literally anything.
I can still feel the pain lingering in my chest. I should go find Noah and bring his ass here so I can knock some sense into him. What a prick. Maybe, I’ll give it a couple weeks then drag his ass here. I should have Aavin help. Then again, no Noah, no need to share. That makes me wonder if Aavin is actually ever going to act on the soul bond. Sounded like he didn’t want to. For reasons unknown to me.