Page 74 of Threads of Fate
We sit there for a short time before there are some voices sounding in the back of the building. I sit up straight straining my ears trying to hear what’s going on. Aavin puts a hand across my chest and shakes his head. When I look at him I see his smoke is slithering across the walls. It’s faint and barely noticeable. I didn’t even realize he put his magic away when we got here. Which was probably a good move on his part. I notice his smoke gliding back towards him. Shortly after a woman and a man dressed in leathers strapped in swords and throwing knives enter. The man also has a staff strapped to his back. The woman looks mean. Wonder who pissed in her cheerios.
“I’m Ferrick,” He places a hand to his chest. “I need to know why you're here and how you even got here.” Ferrick stands casually with his hands in his pockets. The woman however, is standing ready to strike us down for any small infraction.
“As I told the people behind the desk we were invited by Kreed. He told me how to get here about a week ago. I would have come with him but I had business to take care of in my own world before I could come. Kreed didn’t say much else other than to talk to someone at the constable's office.”
“Well, we will just give you an escort up there and we can get this all straightened out.” The woman smiles but it’s vicious. She pulls some rope out from behind her, holding it out for us and gestures for us to turn around.
I roll my eyes and roll my head to pierce Aavin with a glare. He shrugs his shoulders and winks. He stands up and I follow suit. I hold my arms out just like Aavin and wait to be hogtied.
Chapter 26
“Pay attention S’rella.”
“I’m going to shove this staff right up your ass Darling. If you tell me to pay attention one more time.” He turns his lips down at the venomous pet name.
“If you're tired just say so. It’s okay, Dana. You’re new to this. I don't expect you to have the stamina.” I glare at him but he’s right. I have too much on my mind and I’m getting tired.
“I’m sorry, I’m just nervous about talking to that guy and I miss Noah and Aavin. I didn’t want to say anything because I know how you feel about them.” I walk over to put my wooden staff back. “Can’t we get this over with, with the guy? Like now?” I look back at Kreed waiting for his answer.
“We can. If that is what you truly want.” He places his staff back. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I need to know what he has to say.” I need to know like I need to breathe. Call it morbid curiosity or a macabre fascination but I need to know what he means about why I am to ‘perish’. What did my mother see and why did the gods involve themselves? Must be important if they were trying to help my mother.
Kreed leads me out of the training yard and we head to his office. “I just need to send a note to the guards to let them know we are on our way.”
“What about a carriage?”
“I was thinking we could portal.” My stomach instantly flops. He must see my skin turning green because he laughs at me. “Your going to have to get used to it S’rella. I would like you to learn how to do it. You are fae and that means you can portal. You should probably shadow walk too. That will have to wait though. Aavin will have to teach you that.”
“Yes, you're right. Just be warned. I will probably throw up.”
“Not on me though right?”
“Especially you.” I walk around the desk and grab his pen from the drawer. I hold it out to him and he takes it. “Beware your loafers.” I whisper as I turn to open the window for Greer.
“I would never wear loafers.” He says back so seriously. Joke went right over his head. I let out a shriek when Greer swoops in immediately.
“Jesus Greer.” I plant my hand to my chest, willing my heart to not explode. “Give a woman some warning.” Greer flies around the room squawking and causing absolute chaos. She finally settles on the desk. This whole time Kreed stays bent over his desk writing, ignoring Greer. Clearly, this is a normal occurrence.
“I should have named you after Akuhamie.” Kreed says, giving Greer a pointed glare. She closes her eyes and points her beak up like she is astonished he would ever compare them.
“Who is Akuhamie?” I ask.
“The god of chaos and discord.” I eye Greer.
“That would have suited her better I think.” Mistakes were made with that comment. Greer puffs her feathers and squawks at me.
“Greer, can you take this to the guards at the city hall? It’s important.” Greer throws her leg out at Kreed while she stared me down.
“Sorry.” I whisper to her while I cringe, considerably terrified for my life. When Kreed gets the letter wrapped around her leg she flies out without a backward glance. I close the window behind her.
“Okay, so when do we leave? I’m ready.”
“Well, we will leave in about ten minutes I think.” He looks me up and down. “Now what can we accomplish in ten minutes?” He looks at me salaciously. I walk over to him and walk my fingers up his chest.
“Hmm, I don’t know but I’d like to find out.” Kreed picks me up around my waist and then spins me around setting me on the desk.