Page 78 of Threads of Fate
“Is this a gods war?”
“Why the hell am I part of it?”
“We all have rules do we not? Laws that we can not put a toe over? How do you think those rules are bent? Use that pretty head of yours.”
“Okay, then tell me this, if you are a god, how have you not been able to grab me via the ghosts that have attacked me in Plains? It makes little sense to me how an ‘almighty being’ can not seem to grab lil’ ol’ me.”
“You see, it’s not really me who has grabbed you, I can not step foot on the actual soils of my universe. I can only play from above. I send my soldiers. Playing with you is always my favorite pleasure. The visceral fear you felt when my soldiers grabbed you. The trepidation. The pain. Tell me, did you bruise?” He leans forward waiting for my answer. When I give him no indication that I will be answering he clicks his tongue.
“It was hard at first, with the magic that surrounds that town and how you had that barrier erected around you by the goddess. That all changed once your three mates stood on the same soil. Your bindings fell apart. A lucky guess on my part, trying to weave the right thread to make it happen. Fate and her many weavings for one soul. Tricky, tricky.”
“How did you weave the right thread?” I ask, my heart pumping wildly. Deep down I think I know the answer and it kills me.
“Now, Dana, why would I tell you that? I think I’d rather you ponder all the possibilities.” Then Mordread just evaporates. Everyone jumps and scrambles to do what exactly? I don’t know but the man is gone.
“He could have left whenever he wanted to. He was playing with us!” Kreed sounds more irate than I have ever heard any man before. I sigh and stand up. Pacing the floor as I think about all Mordread said.
“Well, he’s a fucking god.” I mutter.
“Seek Chandice.” The same male voice whispers to me.
At least someone has some answers because it sure as shit isn’t me.
“We need to seek Chandice.” Kreed stops his tirade to look at me. “He told me.” I whisper as I walk closer. I don’t know if these men know the extent of my abilities.
“Then we make plans. Let’s go home.” He grabs my hand and turns to the guards. “Keep watch, anything unusual you need to report immediately. If I am not here then directly to King Furden, Lyra and Ferrick.” The men all nod in confirmation. Then Kreed portals us straight back home. I stumble around the room for a moment holding back vomit.
“Gods, I’m never getting used to that.” I let out a throaty moan that sounds more like a dry heave.
“You have to give it time S’rella. Now, let’s go to my office and we can make a plan. We need to look over the maps and see how long the trek will be.” Kreed steps into military mode. “We will be able to ride a carriage for a while but then there will be a lot of hiking. We will have to pack supplies.” He pauses for a moment thinking. “Can we use those containment boxes?”
“Of course. I’ll meet you in the office.” I head to my room and snag the boxes up. I place them on the bed making sure they are completely empty.
I head to Kreed's office and stride in. I plop the boxes on the desk. Kreed is rummaging through a shelf tossing things around.
“Can I help?” Kreed takes a moment to respond. Sighing and grunting at the rolls of paper in his hand. He finally chooses two and brings them to his desk. He spreads them out and places paper weights on each corner. He drags a finger around on the map. He finds what he was looking for and taps it.
“This is where we need to get to. The trek is smooth until we get to the mountains. We will have to hike about fifty miles up the mountain. There are many switch backs. Some parts of the trail are narrow and follow along cliffs.” He looks up to me. “You will need to wear that armor your mother made for you. It’s going to be uncomfortable. We will also need to bring a small contingent. I want you to pick who that is. I know you are not a fan of Lyra but she is very knowledgeable about these trails. That is all I will give you, who you want to pick is up to you. I want you to be comfortable.”
“Ferrick and Pharaoh for sure.” Do I want Lyra to go? Can I deal with her apparent dislike for me? I have enough on my mind. I don’t know if I want to be walking on eggshells around her for however long this is going to take.
My thoughts are interrupted with a pounding on what I assume is the front door. I walk with Kreed to the door. When he opens it my heart stalls in my chest.
Aavin and Noah, with their hands behind their backs. Presumably tied up, while Lyra and Ferrick standing behind them.
“They claim to be your mates Dana.” Lyra says with disdain, “Which is interesting because one is human,” She shoves Noah's shoulder, “and not to mention…you should only have one.”
“Ah, but I’m not just Fae, am I? You raging twat.” I look her up and down and decide she’s not worth my time. I pull Noah and Aavin into the house. “Thank you Ferrick for bringing them here. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.” I turn Noah around and try to untie the knot but my hands are shaking too much with nervousness, happiness that they are here, anger at Noah. The conversation with Mordread is circling my mind like a vulture. I look up at Kreed with pleading eyes and he takes over untying them both.
“We don’t need any more unknown creatures on our lands.” Lyra says.
“Lyra–” Kreed starts.
“You just can’t help yourself can you? I don’t know what the fuck I did to you in the whole whopping day I have known you but your a real bitch. I have had enough, if you have a problem with me, out with it. Now.” I look between Ferrick and Lyra.
“I just don't trust you.” She says, with no emotion.
“And you think being a bitch is going to get me to open up to you? Let me tell you, I have dealt with obnoxious, self absorbed, judgmental, shitty people my whole life. You are no different than any human I have ever met. Take your shit attitude and opinions and shut the fuck up. I have bigger problems to deal with.” I turn to Ferrick. “Thank you again for bringing them here. It means the world to me.” Ferrick nods and starts to turn and leave. “Wait! Ferrick, if you're not busy tomorrow, can you meet us here tomorrow? I have something to ask of you. I also would like you to train me with the staff and daggers?”
“Of course Dana. I can be here around noon?” I nod and he grabs Lyra by the arm and drags her down the pathway. I turn back to Noah and Aavin.
“I missed you.”