Page 107 of Griz Rides Tall
“We don’t pick fights,” Griz said. “We finish them.”
“Couple of gringo cowboys, eh?” Major Navarro said. “All right. It looks like the night is a waste of time for all of us.”
“Leave the C4,” Pony said. “Call it an asshole tax, for coming out here with bad intentions.”
Major Navarro paused in his stride back toward the SUV. He looked like he might try to object, but Griz spoke up before he could say anything. He wasn’t sure why Pony wanted to take this chance, since the situation was still on a hair trigger, but he had to back his brother’s play.
“You heard him,” he said. “Leave it.”
Major Navarro took another look at the laser dot on his chest, and then nodded to his men. Two of them unloaded the crate of C4 onto the ground and then closed the SUV’s hatch before getting into the vehicle themselves.
“Tell Ripper… we’ll be in touch,” Major Navarro said, before getting back into his SUV and driving off.
“Hey, did you see that shit?” Devil said as he emerged from the woods to join them. “My laser sight thing?”
“We saw it,” Griz said. “Wait. Where’s your sniper rifle?”
Devil shook his head, confused. “What sniper rifle?”
“The one with the laser sight, that you just used to scare them off.”
“Oh, no, man. I just got this thing,” Devil said, holding up a pencil-sized laser pointer. “Great, right? I used to drive my teachers crazy with this thing before they kicked me out of school.”
“You said you were going to cover us from the woods!” Griz said.
“I did,” Devil said with a shrug.
“With a laser pointer?”
“It worked, right?”
“Jesus Christ, Devil!” Griz said.
“That shit got intense, hunh?” Devil said. “Good thing you had me hiding in the woods. I also picked up their radio frequency. Called them on it to freak them out.”
“We heard,” Griz said. “Condor.”
“Yeah, you can apologize later for making fun of my awesome spy gear. I got that thing on Ebay from this guy out in… dang, what is all this stuff in the crate?”
“C4,” Pony said.
“C4? That’s like, bomb stuff, right?”
“Yeah,” Griz said. “And don’t you touch it.”
“Hey, man, don’t hurt my feelings. I’m responsible and stuff. Safety first, that’s my motto.”
“Right,” Griz said, still a little salty over Devil and his laser pointer and his distinct lack of a rifle. “You’d probably try to see how high you could make a refrigerator fly up in the air with it.”
“Oh, that’s a great idea!” Devil said. “I mean, no, I would not. That is a lot of it in the crate, though. It is a lot, right, Pony?”
“Yeah. It’s a lot,” Pony said.
“Why did you push them to leave it?” Griz said. “You took a chance there.”
“Sorry, man, I had to,” Pony said. “I know what this shit can do. I couldn’t let it fall into the wrong hands. If Death’s Head got their hands on something like this….”