Page 116 of Griz Rides Tall
“Fuck your proof…”
The gunshots came loud, sudden, one, two, three, four, five, six, the reports shaking the air. With each shot, a slug slammed into Ripper’s chest. He flailed on the ground, eyes wide with surprise, only realizing right before he died who had shot him.
Becca stood trembling, her hand shaking like a leaf as she pointed the still-smoking gun at him, pulling the trigger over and over on a series of dry clicks as the hammer struck empty chambers. Her right eye was already swelling shut from where Ripper had hit her, and she thought she felt blood trickling down the side of her face, but all she could think about was how her hand tingled from the recoil of the pistol shots she’d just fired into Ripper’s chest.
The entire time Ripper had been talking, Becca had felt it working up inside of her. How he’d hit her. How he’d terrorized her. How helpless she’d felt trying to fight him off, trying uselessly to breathe with his hands wrapped around her throat.
How that had made her feel. Tiny, weak, trembling.
Then she’d spotted his gun, the big shiny revolver, sitting on the floor where it had fallen during the fight. She’d picked it up without thinking, and started feeling different.
It was heavy, thick, almost prehistoric feeling, like a club. It made her remember how she’d stabbed Ripper in the leg, made him yell in pain, how she’d hurt him. She hadn’t felt helpless then.
And as Ripper had run his mouth, cursing the rest of the men in the room, she’d slowly risen up, feeling the hate and rage building up in her, feeling the fury at what he’d done to her burning like a fire, until her hand was moving of its own accord and she’d emptied the gun into his chest.
All she thought as she watched the light go out of his eyes wasNow he’ll never be able to hurt me again.
Her ears were ringing from the loud gunfire. Griz was saying something to her, taking the gun out of her hands, holding her close now. She melted into his arms, burying her head in his chest, letting herself stay there for a while.
“Fuckin’ A,” Devil said, looking down at Ripper’s body. “Nice job, Becca.”
She was still buzzing from the shock of being assaulted and nearly strangled to death, not to mention her executing Ripper, but her nerves were starting to calm down enough that she was able to look around the room and see what was happening around her.
She still stayed close to Griz, her arms wrapped around him. She needed to feel him right there, hold him close, know that he was there to protect her and comfort her.
“It’s over now,” Griz said. “Everything’s going to be okay.”
“Hey, don’t worry, Becca,” Devil said, dragging at Ripper’s arms. “We’ll get this shit off your lawn. I know just where to dump him. Grab his legs, Pony.”
After Devil got his hands under Ripper’s armpits and tried to lift him, he said, “Wait. No. You grab his arms. He’s top heavy.”
Pony traded places with Devil, threading his arms underneath Ripper’s armpits while Devil grabbed him by the legs. Together, they lifted the body up with a grunt.
“Ugh,” Devil grunted. “So damn heavy.”
“You need to start doing some deadlifts,” Pony said.
“I don’t even know what that is, bro,” Devil said, as he and Pony carried the body out of the room.
“They’ll take care of it,” Griz said, once they were gone. “They’ll get rid of the body. You have nothing to worry about.”
You have nothing to worry about.
She buried her face back into his chest, listening to his heart beat for a while. She was feeling better, now, much more calm.
Then, against all odds, she started feeling something else. Something unexpected.
She felt powerful.
Ripper had come here, a big man who was used to violence, with every intention of killing her, and she’d dealt with it. She’d come up with a plan and made her move when she had to. She’d hadn’t known if she could stab him until she’d done it, but when the moment came, she’d acted.
It was something she never could have imagined doing a week ago. A week ago, she would’ve curled into a ball, shrieking, until Ripper killed her at his convenience.
And while Ripper had eventually gotten the upper hand, that wasn’t what mattered. What mattered was, she’d fought when she had to.
After that, while Ripper was talking his shit to the rest of the MC, she’d taken matters into her own hands, as well. Ripper had hurt her, had nearly killed her… well, she’d done him one better. And now that the shock of it was over, she was glad that she did it.