Page 128 of Griz Rides Tall
“I’m glad you said that, Mal,” she said. “Because this is my point, gentlemen. The only one here who wants any of this to happen, is Mal. From the start. In fact, he’s been pushing you into this war every step of the way.”
“Bullshit,” one of the Death’s Head said.
“Fuck you, lady,” muttered another one.
“Hold up. Hold up,” Victor said, holding up a hand to quiet down his men. “What makes you think you know what’s going on inside of our organization, lady?”
“Do you have any idea how many ‘organizations’ I’ve had to dissect and evaluate in my career?” she said. “I’ve lost count. And no offense intended, but yours is no different. None of them are. And whenever you see a hostile takeover bid that isn’t profitable for the company as a whole, it always means the same thing.”
“Which is?” Victor said.
“There’s someone in the ranks who’s putting the company’s interests at risk for their own personal interests. In this case, it’s Mal.”
There was more grumbling from amongst Death’s Head, and now she had to raise her voice a little to be heard over it. She couldn’t lose them now, not when she’d already committed.
“Like I said before, who here thinks they’re really going to be better off from this war?” she said. “Do you, Victor? Or has Mal been saying things like, we have to protect our reputation, or we can’t back down now, or some vague garbage like that?”
“Keep going,” Victor said.
“To put it in corporate terms, he can’t show you a profit. He can’t make a logical argument for the takeover, so it’s got to be emotional. A circular argument like, we’re already in it, so we have to keep going. Which is what he planned all along when he started this war by conspiring with someone inside the MC.”
“Whoa, back the fuck up!” Mal said. “Victor, listening is one thing, this is too far! You going to believe this bitch’s lies? This is all just a set up because they’re losing. They’re here, begging for a truce, because they’re losing and they know it!”
“He’s got a point, lady,” Victor said. “Why should I believe you?”
“Because I have proof,” Becca said.
“Proof? What proof?” Mal said.
Becca reached into her pocket and took out the two cell phones she’d given to Benny.
“These two cell phones came from the two guys you sent out to the cabin to try to kill Griz and I,” she said.
“They’re buried in a hole out in the woods, in case you were wondering,” Griz added from behind her.
“Thank you, Griz. The point is, on one of these phones there are a number of phone calls and texts that go between your guy and Ripper.”
“That doesn’t… that doesn’t mean shit…” Mal began to splutter.
“Shut the fuck up a second, Mal,” Victor said, waving Becca close. “Let me see those.”
Becca felt more than a little nervous approaching Victor, especially with Mal pacing around next to him like an agitated gorilla. But, she didn’t have a choice, so she stepped over to Victor as confidently as she could pretend to be and handed him the cell phones.
He didn’t try to grab her, or make any sudden moves, or anything else awful. Victor simply took the phones away from her and began scrolling through them, since Benny had unlocked them already.
She took a few steps back toward Griz and the others while Victor continued to look through the phones. Becca searched the faces of the rest of Death’s Head while she waited, trying to see in their expressions what they were thinking. Did they believe her? Or were they just waiting for an excuse to attack?
Finally, Victor said, “You got something to say to me, Mal?”
With that, Becca saw the entire temperature of the room change. Death’s Head wasn’t staring at her with undisguised contempt and hatred any longer. Now they were staring at Mal, shaking their heads, looking like they wanted to tear him apart.
Mal looked from them, to Victor, to Becca, to Griz and the rest of the MC. He was burned, he knew it, there was no hiding it anymore.
“Don’t look at me like that!” he shouted at the rest of Death’s Head. “Don’t none of you look at me like that! I’ve been coming up in this bitch since I was fourteen! I lost count of how many fools I smoked for Death’s Head! And you’re telling me I got to sit back, like a chump, and never get bumped up? Because the territories are all already taken?”
He was pacing again, puffing his thick chest out as he continued to rant.
“Fuck you guys. I’m better than any one of you. I can out-drink, out-fight, out-fuck any one of you. I earn more than ten of you punks put together. So yeah, I put this shit together. I wasn’t going to sit on my nuts like some bum. When this all started, me and Ripper got together and we figured this shit out. Their own man. He wanted this as much as I do. As much as we do. This is who we are. We’re Death’s Head. We take shit. We go to war.”