Page 132 of Griz Rides Tall
“What? No,” Kate said. “He’s awake.”
“Oh! Oh!” Becca said, running around in small circles, since she didn’t know what to do with all the nervous energy suddenly flooding into her body. “Oh my God! Holy shit! Griz!Griz!”
Griz came out of the kitchen, covered in sawdust. They were at the cabin, making repairs to all the damage that Death’s Head had caused with their heavy barrage of gunfire.
Actually, Griz was making the repairs, Becca was mostly just supervising and trying to figure out ways to avoid going fishing again, but she forgot all of that as she jumped into Griz’s arms.
“What?” he said, clearly confused. “What is it?”
“We need to go! We need to go! Right now!” she said.
“Go where?” he said.
“The hospital, Chewie, gosh!” she said, and then she remembered that he hadn’t heard any of her conversation with Kate. “Your dad’s awake. Your dad’s awake!”
“Okay,” he said. His voice sounded calm but he dropped the hammer that he was carrying and started wiping his hands together. “I, uh… let’s go.”
“Where’s my helmet?” Becca said, looking around quickly.
“It’s on the bike,” Griz reminded her, and took her by the hand to lead her outside.
“Not too fast,” she said. “I want to walk into the hospital, not show up in an ambulance.”
“But don’t go too slow. We need to get there as quick as possible.”
It felt like they were driving to California, not across town, but finally, finally they pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. Becca hopped off of Griz’s bike and was almost halfway across the lot before she forgot that she was still wearing her helmet.
“Here, take it, take it,” she said, pulling it off awkwardly and handing it to Griz as they made their way through the front doors.
Nikki was there at the reception desk, waving her hands excitedly when she saw them. “Did you hear? Did you hear?”
“My dad’s awake, right?” Griz said.
“Yes,” Nikki said, waving them on towards Boomer’s room. “Go, go, go!”
They were almost running now, Griz carrying both of their helmets as they weaved their way through the hospital corridors on the now-familiar way to Boomer’s room. People in the hallways seeing them coming in a rush stepped out of their way, eager to not get trampled by the two of them steamrolling their way to their destination.
Then, they finally rounded the corner into Boomer’s room. It was full to bursting; it seemed like everyone was there. Kate, Wyatt, Devil, Pony, everyone who had heard the news had made a beeline to see their president now that he was finally awake.
Griz froze in the doorway. Becca actually slammed into him from his suddenly stopping in front of her, but he didn’t even budge from it.
“Dad?” he said, his voice almost cracking.
Once she saw the look on Griz’s face when he saw his dad, Becca thought she might cry all the tears right then and there. She squeezed her arms around her chest tightly, trying to hold all of that in, not wanting to be that emotional wreck that brings the whole room down.
“Hey, son,” Boomer said, waving him closer. “Come here.”
The rest of the MC parted as Griz made his way to his dad’s side, bending over to hug him as best and as carefully as he could while his dad was still lying in the hospital bed. Becca kept blinking back the tears, faster and faster, but still her vision got wet and blurry.
She wasn’t alone. Even the men were blinking fast, not looking at each other, trying their level best to keep their emotional shit together in front of each other.
“I’m all right, son,” Boomer said, patting Griz lightly on the back. “I’m all right.”
“How do you feel?” Griz said.