Page 37 of Griz Rides Tall
“I’m not going to have anyone else get hurt because of me,” she said.
She really, really wanted to go into her speech, about the importance of self-sacrifice, and the needs of the many, and other stuff that sounded great inside her head when she had been rehearsing it in the car on the way out here. But, Griz didn’t seem to need to hear any of it.
“Okay,” he said.
“Okay, then,” was all she got to say of the rest of her speech, and then she recovered her bags from the floor to find the best place to put them.
Griz stood there the entire time, just inside the doorway, not moving.
“Oh, um, you’re staying?” Becca said.
“Have to,” Griz said. “Can’t leave you out here all alone.”
“They’re not going to find me,” Becca said. “Not way out here.”
“They might.”
“I… fine, whatever,” Becca said. “But you’re not staying in here.”
“I’ll get my own room later.”
She looked him over. He wasn’t exactly her top choice of traveling companion, but she could definitely see the benefit of having a giant man-Wookie around on the off chance that trouble did show up.
Besides, it would at least be someone to talk to other than herself.
“Fine. But don’t get any ideas,” she said.
“Okay,” he said.
As it turned out, life on the run was a lot more boring than Becca had anticipated.
While she was waiting for her moment to sneak out of her sister’s house, and getting packed in a hurry, and driving off to parts unknown, all of that had felt very tense, very exciting in its own way. But now that she was in place in her fleabag motel in the middle of Noplace, Pennsylvania… it was boring.
So very, very boring. At one point, Becca made Griz follow her to a liquor store that was a thirty minutes’ drive away, all to buy two bottles of wine, just to give her something to do other than stare at her motel room walls.
By the time it started getting dark out, Becca decided it was time to crack open one of those bottles. She was stuck with drinking it out of the stupid little plastic cups that sat near the ice bucket, but it was that or drink straight out of the bottle.
She plunked down on the bed with her bottle and her cup, sipping at it to see what she thought of the wine. Not the best, not the worst. Just as boring as the rest of this whole excursion.
Griz was sitting in the corner in a chair, silent, motionless. Becca stared at him for a while as she sipped her wine, watching to see if he was even breathing.
Is he just going to sit there, staring into space?she thought.Is he even thinking about anything? What do Wookies think about, anyway?
Finally, the quiet and the boredom became too much for her and she said, “You know, you can talk, Griz.”
“Yeah,” he said.
Becca sighed. Always so literal.
“No, I mean… don’t you ever have a, you know, a conversation?” she said.
She waited, but no more words came out of his mouth, so she said, “What about?”
He shrugged. “Stuff.”