Page 50 of Griz Rides Tall
She sat and thought about that. Would it even work? Her dick experience up to this point had been strictly limited to average sized and under. Would she even be able to handle getting that one-eyed battering ram inside of her?
I’m not sure, she found herself thinking,but I am curious to try.
Still, it seemed like a bad idea, to just jump right into something like that with no concept of whether or not she could handle it. What if she got Griz all fired up and aroused, and found she couldn’t take it? What would he do?
Becca was still considering that when she opened up the refrigerator, idly looking at the contents. She wasn’t really hungry, she was just bored and wondering what Kate and Wyatt had brought out for them.
That was when she saw it, and the idea came to her. There, in the crisper drawer, a rather large cucumber.
At first, it made her giggle again, thinkingremind you of anyone?before she shut the refrigerator door. Then, something about the combination of thinking of putting a cucumber in her mouth to eat it, and comparing it to Griz’s dick, gave her the idea that she just found a way to test out her theory.
She’d found it a challenge just to give him a handie. How hard would it be to give him a blowjob?
One way to find out, she thought.
She looked around the kitchen and bedroom first. Nobody here. Everybody out fishing, according to the note. So she had some privacy, to at least try this out.
Even as she got the cucumber out of the crisper drawer, she was shaking her head at herself. This was ridiculous. Doing a test blowjob on a cucumber? What was she, a teenager?
Still, once the cucumber was in her hand, it started making more sense. She had to know if she could handle it. What it would be like to have something that big going into her mouth.
The last thing she wanted was to have to be surprised in the spontaneous act of trying to go down on Griz and then be unable to go through with it. She looked at the cucumber, opened her mouth wide, started to lift it to her mouth.
“This is stupid,” she said to herself, lowering the cucumber and shaking her head. “What am I doing? I don’t even know if I’ll ever do this. Last night was just a crazy fluke.”
Maybe. Maybe hooking up with Griz was just a fluke. But a part of her thought that maybe it wasn’t.
Becca looked at the cucumber again. Better safe than sorry. Better that she try it, and know for sure.
“Oh, fine,” she said, and lifted the cucumber to her mouth again.
She left it sitting on the top of her tongue for a second, between her teeth, barely inside her mouth. Okay. Not so bad. Bit of a stretch, girth-wise, her jaw open to maximum, but air was still getting into her lungs if she wanted it.
Time to go for it.Fortune favors the bold, she thought, and wrapped her lips around the cucumber and slid her head down on top of it.
It was too aggressive, much too aggressive. She felt the damn thing scraping the roof of her mouth, all the way back until she was pretty sure it poked her in the uvula at the back of her throat like a boxer punching a punching bag.
Oh, God in Heaven help me, she thought, as she saw stars and everything in the back of her throat threatened to turn inside out and fly out of her mouth. She gagged loudly and practically flung the cucumber out of her mouth, even having to spit into the sink, she was gagging so much.
She tried to blink away the water in her eyes and then nearly screamed as Kate walked into the kitchen. Becca could’ve sworn she’d been alone in the cabin; she never would’ve run this experiment otherwise.
“Kate!” she said, unnecessarily loudly. “You’re here!”
“Yeah, I’ve been here this whole time, Becca,” Kate said slowly. “Right outside. Are you okay?”
“What?” Becca said, still blinking quickly. “Yeah, yeah. Just had a little something caught in my throat.”
“Oh. Is that a cucumber in your hand?”
“No,” Becca said. “What? Yeah, um… I felt like a cucumber. Eating a cucumber. I love cucumber. What do you love?”
Kate looked at her sideways. “What’s going on?”
Becca shook her head. “Nothing!”
Kate stared her down a little longer, her eyes narrowing as her mind ran through the possibilities. Becca did her best to look innocent and very hungry for cucumber when her sister’s eyes suddenly went wide.
“You. Ho,” Kate said.