Page 63 of Griz Rides Tall
“With what?”
“This,” Becca said. “All this violence.”
“First off, it hasn’t been that long that Wyatt and I have been together,” Kate said. “And there hasn’t been any violence, not since we took care of his ex-wife Linda. It’s been smooth sailing since then.”
“And you never think about it?” Becca said.
“It’s never come up.”
It didn’t seem like a complete answer to Becca. How could Kate just shuffle aside those thoughts, compartmentalize them into a box that never got opened? Was it just that her sister was in denial?
“What would you do if Wyatt got shot?” she asked.
Kate seemed to think that over and blew out a slow breath before answering.
“I honestly don’t know,” she said. “I told you, I don’t think about it.”
“How? How could you not think about it?”
“Think about it this way,” Kate said. “These guys ride motorcycles every day. Do you have any idea how many people I’ve seen in the emergency department with terrible injuries from motorcycle accidents?”
“A lot?”
“Tons. So yeah, there’s a risk every day that Wyatt might dump his bike, or maybe someone isn’t paying attention while they change lanes or something and they end up hitting him.”
“And that doesn’t freak you out?” Becca said.
Again, Kate took a second to think about her answer before speaking.
“You make room for it. You accept it. That there’s risk in their lives. I just have to trust that Wyatt will be able to handle it. He’s been living this life for a long time.”
Becca had no idea how Kate could be so calm about all of this. Maybe it was because she hadn’t been the one trapped under Boomer’s body. Maybe it was because she’d had longer to get used to the idea of all of this craziness.
But this all felt very raw and new to Becca. She hadn’t signed up for any of this. And the moment she’d felt like the ground was getting solid beneath her feet, an earthquake of chaos sent everything spinning.
“I finally thought this was over,” Becca said. “That I was finally going to be done with the Skull Heads, and all the bullshit that comes with them, and just get back to my already ruined life.”
“I know,” Kate said. “When it rains, it pours, right?”
“You can say that again,” Becca said.
As bad as she felt, she couldn’t imagine what Griz was going through. Seeing his dad getting shot right in front of him. Finding out he was now in a coma, and even if he came out of it… which was anything but certain… he might end up paralyzed in the bargain.
“Griz must be freaking out about his dad,” she said.
“I’m sure,” Kate said.
“You were right, by the way,” Becca said. “I did give him a handie.”
“I know.”
“I don’t know what’s going on anymore. Before I got fired, everything was…”
“Settled?” Kate said.
“Yes!” Becca said. “That is a good word for it. Settled. Now everything is a giant question mark.”
“Like you and Griz.”