Page 85 of Griz Rides Tall
“So, that happened,” Becca said, scratching at her head. “Were you expecting that? Ripper making all nice like that?”
“I can’t say I was,” Griz said.
“You didn’t seem to like his idea very much,” Becca said. “The cartel thing.”
“It’s complicated,” he said.
Becca looked at her fishing pole, then at the water, and all she could see were more endless hours of sitting and staring at a creek while she sat in the dirt.
“Hey, uh, what do you say we give up on the fishing for now, okay?” she said.
Griz frowned. “We just got started.”
That was just getting started?she thought.It felt like goddamn forever.
“Oh, we can come back to it later, of course,” is what she said, already trying to think of ways to do anything but come back to it later.
“All right,” Griz said.
They collected up their things and began to head back to the cabin. Becca trudged along through the trees by Griz’s side, letting her mind wander as the birds chirped and the bugs buzzed around her.
She had gotten all the way lost in her thoughts when Griz pulled her to a halt. She was almost annoyed with the interruption of her internal meditations, when she saw that as before, when Ripper showed up unannounced, Griz was again standing perfectly still and staring out into the woods intently.
“What is it?” Becca said. “What now?”
He kept his voice low, and his hand pulled her gently down into a crouch with him.
“Somebody’s out past those trees,” he said.
“Again?” Becca said. “More of your people? Your MC people?”
“No,” he said. “Stay quiet. And low.”
“How do you know?” she said, whispering now. “That they aren’t your MC people?”
“They have rifles,” Griz said.
Death’s Head. It had to be them.
“Oh, shit,” she said. “Shit. How? How did they find us again?”
“It doesn’t matter. Follow me and stay low.”
“What do we do? What are we doing?”
“We’re getting back to the cabin,” he said. “To my motorcycle.”
“And we’re getting out of here, right?”
“Okay,” she said. “Okay.”
They set their fishing gear down carefully, quietly, and Becca let Griz lead her by the hand back toward the cabin. They crept along, low, slow, watching to make sure they didn’t step on any errant branches and give themselves away.
Becca didn’t even want to breathe, for fear that Death’s Head might hear her. She couldn’t see them but Griz kept his eyes to their left, so they must have been over there somewhere.