Page 95 of Griz Rides Tall
“The cop?” Benny said, throwing his arms into the air. “Oh, of course! I knew it! I knew that I knew it! The government has been watching, with their eyes, their eyes are everywhere.”
“We took care of it,” Wyatt said. “Me and Kate. Linda’s in prison, now.”
“Perhaps,” Benny said. “Perhaps. Perhaps that’s just what they want you to think. Always scheming with their clever little schemy schemes.”
Wyatt shot a look at Kate. Becca could tell this wasn’t going the way they’d hoped, and now Kate took a turn trying to get through to Benny, since Wyatt clearly could not.
“I wanted to come out and check on you, Benny,” Kate said. “I’ve been meaning to for a while, but Wyatt mentioned you were upset and might not want to see us.”
“You’d better believe I was upset,” Benny said. “I don’t accept this sort of upset. This sort of upset… And now there’s four? There’s four of you? No. No, no, no. Unacceptable!”
“Benny, please,” Kate said.
“No means no! This is my property and you do not have a warrant!” Benny said. “Now, get out of here, all of you!”
Becca walked past Wyatt and Kate, past Benny, as if she hadn’t heard a word any of them had said. Keeping her eyes stuck on the giant satellite dish, she said, “Hunh.”
“What? What?” Benny said, staring her down. “Who is this? Who is she? More government? More people working with the government?”
Becca shook her head. “No, I was just thinking that your satellite dish kind of looks like the one on the Millennium Falcon.”
“What?” Benny said.
“You know,” she said, “the one that gets knocked off during the attack on the second Death Star inReturn Of The Jedi.”
Benny stopped in his tracks. The rake lowered to his side.
“How do you know about that?” he said.
“Who doesn’t know about that?” Becca said. “I mean,Empire Strikes Backwas clearly a better movie, but ROTJ still is really up there, you know?”
“Uh, I…” Benny began to say.
“I mean,” Becca continued, “the Ewoks were a bit much to take and all… clearly a merchandising grab… but still, I can appreciate the desire to show a technologically inferior force prevailing against the evil Empire.”
“A… a triumph of the spirit over… over… over the soulless crush of technology,” Benny said.
“Exactly,” Becca said. “You get it.”
“I have an X wing model,” Benny blurted out. “One of the original editions. Still in the box.”
“Still in the box?” Becca said. “Shut up!”
“No no, I really do,” Benny said.
“Can I see it?”
“You… okay,” Benny said, after studying her for a moment. “You can come. You, too, Kate.”
Benny pointed at Griz and Wyatt with his rake and added, “Not you two.”
With that, he abruptly turned and strode back towards his trailer, dragging his rake behind him. Becca followed, gesturing for Griz to hand her the cell phones.
He gave them to her with a confused look. “Becca?”
“What?” Becca said quietly as she took the phones. “I speak Star Wars.”
“It’s right inside,” Benny said, waving them in from the door of his trailer.