Page 1 of Pony Rides Fast
“Come on, you fucking pussies! Push!”
The two men on the bar groaned and strained and sweated. Both wore jeans and were stripped to the waist, showing off their impressive physiques. Both were face down in the plank position, lowering themselves and raising themselves to the shouted counts of the other people in the bar.
“I said, push, you little sissy bitches!”
It was Griz that was shouting at them, big, tall, bearded Griz, who was normally pretty quiet but occasionally, like now, he got fired up and was then anything but quiet. His shouts, in turn, fired up the crowd in the bar as well, and their shouted counts of the competitor’s push-ups got louder in response.
Piper shook her head with a smile as she drew a beer for one of the MC brothers. She had been working as a bartender at the MC clubhouse for a while, now, and had gotten used to these kinds of testosterone-fueled shenanigans on the part of the brothers.
In fact, she had formed more than a little appreciation for them, especially when it involved two hot guys stripping down to the waist and seeing who could do the most push-ups. Nothing wrong with a little entertainment while she worked.
On her left, was Jocko, the club’s resident man-whore. Piper had been in the building for less than three minutes before Jocko had laid down his flirting game with her. Piper had never been abig fan of being the latest on the carousel ride of women, though, and had shrugged off his advances quickly.
Not that he was hard on the eyes. A competitive MMA fighter, he was all corded muscle and rippling abs, looking like he might have been part jungle cat, the way his muscles moved with an easy grace.
On Piper’s right was Pony, the club prospect. A former US Army Ranger, he, too, was a physical specimen, with the kind of body you’d expect to see on an Olympic athlete. He’d caught her eye almost right away, with his chiseled jaw and classic all-American good looks. He was the kind of guy that looked like he was most at ease outdoors, splitting wood or playing minor league baseball.
Most of the time, he moved with an easy, quiet, laid-back confidence, but now, he was all business, knocking out push-ups with grim determination as he and Jocko locked eyes as they strained to out-do each other. Pony had a fire in his eyes in that moment that, Piper had to admit, gave her more than a little thrill.
If she was being honest, the whole thing was giving her more than a little thrill. There was something about watching two athletic men going head-to-head like this, right in front of her, almost close enough to touch. Both of their lean bodies were slicked with a light sheen of sweat, and both men were breathing heavily with exertion on every push-up.
All of that raw, masculine energy, washing her over like a wave. There were worse ways to spend an evening.
It was all pretty much night and day from what she’d been used to before working here. In fact, if someone had told her a few years ago, while she was finishing her degree in Accounting, that this was where she was going to end up, she would’ve said they were crazy. But she had to admit, watching hot outlaws doshirtless pushups on the bar in front of her was a hell of a lot more diverting than Profit and Loss statements.
To her disappointment, the contest ended. Jocko got stuck about a quarter of the way up, his corded arms trembling, and finally collapsed down to the bar, while Pony pushed his way up and then lowered himself back down with control.
“Son of a bitch,” Jocko said, breathing heavily. “I’ll get you next time.”
“Probably,” Pony said, and the two of them bumped fists and slapped each other on the back.
I guess the show’s over, Piper thought with a sigh, watching as Pony pulled a T-shirt on over his sweat-slicked torso.
Even before Pony had his shirt back on, one of the other MC brothers was congratulating him.
“See, dude?” he said. “I knew you would win. One hundred and eight. You’re an animal!”
Pony was still breathing heavily from the competition. “Thanks, Devil.”
“Thank you, dude. I just made a hundred bucks betting on you.”
“A hundred?”
“Good,” Pony said. “Then you can buy me this beer.”
“Oh, there, did you see what he did there, Pippen?” Devil said.
“Piper,” she said.
“Right, right. Piper. See what he did there, Piper?”
You mean get me wanting to have all his babies by doing shirtless pushups in front of me? is what she thought, but what she said was, “I did, Devil.”
Devil. This must’ve been the hundredth time he’d called her by the wrong name. Every time, she corrected him, and every time, he did it again.