Page 100 of Pony Rides Fast
Boomer said, “What’s Harris’s connection to the cartel?”
“I’m not sure,” Piper said. “But I need to find out. Right now, he’s told the FBI that I’ve gone rogue. That I’ve gone over to the MC and I’m compromised.”
“Your being here only reinforces his accusation.”
“I know. But as Pony told me, I have nowhere else to go.”
“Why the fuck should we help you?” Jocko said. “A narc who planted evidence in our clubhouse?”
“I didn’t plant evidence,” Piper said. “I mean, I did at first, but I couldn’t go through with it. I came back and pulled it out before Harris and his team could come in.”
Boomer looked at her curiously. “Why did you do that?”
“Wasn’t right,” was all she said.
“Look, Pony, man, I know you brought her in and all, but I got to say this,” Jocko said. “This sounds like a bunch of shit that ain’t our problem. Some fed narc gets set up by her boss? Sounds to me like we just dodged a bullet. Problem just fixed itself. Why are we talking about this?”
Some more muttering around the table, that seemed to mirror the same sentiment.
“Listen,” Piper said, once again raising her voice to be heard. “Harris isn’t going to stop. Just because I messed up his plans to plant evidence this time around doesn’t mean that it’s over.”
Jocko said, “He’s not going to get a second chance to plant any evidence.”
“He’s not going to need it,” she replied. “There’s a reason why he tried to have me killed tonight.”
“Which is?”
“He needs an excuse to get the FBI to go all in against the MC. Nothing would accomplish that like the murder of an undercover agent by the club.”
“I already told Pony,” Wyatt said. “We don’t kill cops. Not unless they’re criminals.”
“You don’t have to,” Piper said. “He does it, or Navarro’s gun thugs, and it’s child’s play for Harris to make it look like it was the MC that pulled the trigger.”
“And after that, the FBI would declare war on us,” Boomer said.
“You bet they would,” Piper said.
“And your sister?” Boomer asked.
“Same thing. Imagine the headlines. Young college girl, murdered by outlaw bikers because her sister was an undercover agent for the FBI.”
“He’s that far gone?” Boomer said. “Harris?”
“Pony was there,” Piper said.
Pony nodded. “He set her up to die. Met with the gunmen before she showed up, placed them in concealment nearby. Kept her talking while they moved up on her from behind. Yeah, he’s that far gone.”
Boomer looked down at his hands. Every man around the table watched him carefully, waiting to hear what he had to say next.
“It sounds like we have a common enemy,” he said at last.
Piper let out a long breath. “Yes.”
“What is it that you want from us?”
“I need to find a way to prove that Harris and Navarro are working together. Clear my name and put him behind bars. That helps me and it helps you.”
“Removes Harris as a threat.”