Page 103 of Pony Rides Fast
“I’m so glad we got that all sorted out,” Nikki said, while Devil bounced up and down on his toes next to her. “Because I always liked you, Piper. Now we just have to get this all behind us.”
“Well, I…” Piper said, looking at Pony. “I don’t know if it’s going to be that simple.”
“Don’t worry, dude. I mean, dudette,” Devil said, practically giddy in his excitement. “We’re already coming up with a plan. Me and Nikki.”
Now Piper traded a look of alarm with Pony, who shrugged as if to say,Not my idea.
“Oh, no, you don’t need to…” she began.
“It’s no problem.”
“No, I mean it, you really, really don’t…” Piper paused, looking around, suddenly concerned. “Wait. Where’s Carly?”
Sudden panic set in. In all the excitement and buzz, she’d completely lost track of her sister. Here, in this place, anything could be happening, especially if that man-whore Jocko…
“Where’s Carly?” she said again, looking all around in a panic. “Carly! Carly!”
More moments of sheer panic, until Carly’s voice floated to her from the distance.
“Quit yelling! I’m up here!”
“Where’s up…” Piper began to say, then realized where her sister’s voice was coming from. “Benny’s room?”
“I’m as surprised as you are,” Pony said, and followed her up the stairs towards the tiny apartment over the clubhouse where Benny currently made his home.
“We’d better come with you,” Devil said, he and Nikki following them closely. “You know how Benny can get. Territorial to say the least. He’s probably freaking out on your sister right now.”
As they got close to the door, they could hear Carly and Benny chatting away, along with what sounded like sound effects to a video game.
“…and then I beaned him in the face with a ninja star,” Carly said.
“Shuriken,” Benny said. “Shuriken.”
“Sure what again?”
“Shuriken. Ancient weapon of the feudal ninja.”
“Whatever,” Carly said. “A shuriken sure-a-can jack a dude’s face up, because that’s what it did to that guy. Hit him right next to this weird star-shaped tattoo he had on his cheek.”
The door opened, and Pony and Piper entered. Benny and Carly were sitting on the floor in front of his TV, both mashing on video game console controllers while staring at the screen. Between them, Piper recognized one of Carly’s signature snacks.
“Hey,” Carly said, barely giving them a glance, “how come you guys didn’t tell me you had like, a super cool computer genius living here?”
“Hadn’t come up in casual conversation,” Pony said, looking in horror at the bowl that sat between the two of them. “What are you eating?”
Carly said, “Only the best thing ever, ever, for everybody.”
“Delicious,” Benny agreed. “Delicious. Exceptional.”
Pony looked at Piper, who sighed and explained it for her sister.
“She slices thin bits off a block of Velveeta and melts it over Doritos in the microwave.”
The look of horror stayed fixed on Pony’s face. “That sounds disgusting.”
“Right?” Piper said. “I tell her but she doesn’t listen.”