Page 117 of Pony Rides Fast
Piper ignored that, concentrating instead on the laptop screen. “All right, give me a second to… yeah. There we are.”
“What are we looking at, here?” Pony asked.
“Financial records.”
“Harris’s bank records?”
“Yes. This all seems… nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Damn,” Pony said.
“Hang on. We’re only getting started, here. Remember, I used to do this all day, every day.”
“The Adventures of Piper The Accountant,” Pony said with a small grin.
“Very funny,” Piper said, then, perking up, added, “What’s this?”
“You found something?”
“Maybe. Maybe. Damn, Benny really knows his stuff.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“Well, not only has he given us all of the access to Harris’s laptop,” Piper said, “but we can see that Harris has been using some sort of VPN or similar service to try to mask some of his online activities.”
Pony said, “Because a VPN is…”
“A way to access the internet that’s harder to track. It’s not important. What is important, is that he has some activity that’s on the level, in plain view for everyone to see.”
“And then some that isn’t?”
“Exactly. Which means he’s hiding something. This stuff here, is the regular, everyday internet activity.”
“What’s this?” Carly asked.
“His recent Google searches.”
“Deep Anal Pain Relief,” Carly read off the screen. “Yikes. What did Devil do to him?”
“I can’t say I feel bad for the guy,” Piper said. “But here… here we have some activity that he was trying to hide. Let’s see. I knew it! I knew it!”
“Knew what?” Carly said. “This is exciting!”
“There had to be a money trail somewhere. Harris was careful to make sure that his normal bank accounts were clean, but then, on his hidden internet activity, we have this.”
“Which is?”
“He’s logging on remotely to a bank account in the Caymans. And thanks to Benny, we can take a nice little peek inside…”
“Can we take all his money?”
“Carly,” Piper said.
“I’m just saying. This guy tried to kill you. The least we can do is rob him.”
Pony said, “I like your sister, Piper.”
“Please don’t encourage her,” Piper said. “We can’t rob him… wait a minute.”