Page 119 of Pony Rides Fast
“That’s it.”
“Ryan Bailey?”
“Sure,” Carly said.
“Do you remember the night you were arrested?”
“Psssh. Burned into my brain forever, are you kidding?”
“Tell me about it,” Piper said.
“I don’t know. I was at this party, the cops show up. At first it seemed like whatever, turn the noise down or something, but the cops were like, super serious and angry looking. They kept moving us around.”
“Moving you around?”
“Like, room to room. Separating us and moving us, saying something about, we can’t have you whispering amongst yourselves or something. And then that Barry guy…”
“And then that Bailey guy was like, is this your purse? And it was my purse, so I was like, yeah. And he said, come with me.”
“Was your purse with you the whole time?” Piper asked. “While they were moving you from room to room?”
“Yeah… well. Now that you mention it,” Carly said, thinking back. “There was one point when I was like, where’s my purse? And then I didn’t really think about it because I was worried about the cops being all serious and stuff and then I found it again later.”
“That was when he did it,” Pony said.
“Did what?” Carly asked.
“Planted the evidence, Carly,” Piper said.
“Son of a bitch,” Piper said, looking at the laptop screen again. “Son of a bitch!”
“Son of a bitch what?”
“It’s right here. Ryan Bailey. Money comes into Harris’s side account, then gets routed to this one.”
“Which belongs to Ryan Bailey,” Pony said.
“Brand new, by the way. The account was created for Ryan Bailey right before this transaction. I think Harris paid off Bailey to frame Carly.”
“Why would he do that?” Carly said.
Piper snorted, shaking her head at Harris’s new level of depravity. “Leverage.”
“Against me. I think he’s been orchestrating this from the start.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, Navarro has all this hanging over Harris’s head, right?” Piper said, gesturing at the numbers on the screen. “Gambling debts, it looks like, maybe more. So he starts using it to leverage Harris.”
“To do what?”
“Come after the MC. Pony, you said that your club has had issues with Navarro in the past?”