Page 129 of Pony Rides Fast
“The fuck is this?” he said, spitting out water. “Who are you people?”
“What, you don’t remember me? You big… stupid dick!” Carly said, then settled down, looking a little disappointed at herself for her lame insult.
Wyatt patted her on the shoulder, stepping in front of her so he could address Bailey more clearly.
“You remember her, don’t you, Officer Bailey?” he said. “Carly? She’s the one you planted drugs on, in return for thirty grand, courtesy of FBI Special Agent Harris.”
“The asshole fed who raided our MC,” Griz added, staring menacingly down at Bailey.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bailey said, shifting uncomfortably under everyone’s gaze.
“We know everything, assmunch,” Carly said, peeking out from between Wyatt and Jocko. “All your bank records, everything.”
“You fuckers are the ones been calling me all night, hunh?” Bailey said.
“That’s right,” Wyatt said. “You know, the folks who work at that strip club don’t like you very much.”
“Like, not at all,” Griz added.
“They were more than happy to help us out,” Wyatt said. “And now here you are, breaking into this house, with… what’s this? What does this look like to you, Griz?”
Griz said, “Looks like a gun with no serial numbers on it.”
“A very illegal gun with no serial numbers on it,” Jocko added.
“Listen to me,” Bailey said. “You biker trash just fucked up, you hearin’ me? You just assaulted a cop.”
“That’s okay,” Wyatt said. “We brought a cop of our own. Officer Ryan Bailey, meet Officer Mackenzie.”
Into the already-crowded bedroom, Mackenzie made his way around the MC brothers and Carly so that he could get a good look at Bailey tied up in the chair. Once he got a look at him, Bailey sneered at him up and down.
“What, are you with them?” he said.
“Got a call about a suspicious individual lurking around these premises,” Mackenzie said.
“That would be you,” Wyatt said. “And now our cop is a witness to you breaking into this house, trying to murder our friend Carly, here.”
“Dickbag,” Carly said, darting between Wyatt and Jocko to say it and then retreating back behind them once she was finished.
Looking at MacKenzie, Bailey said, “You’re going to let them do this to a brother cop?”
“Brother cop? You planted drugs in this young lady’s purse. For money. You’re no cop.”
“That’s… that’s bullshit. I don’t know what these guys have been telling you…”
“Jocko?” Wyatt said. “Would you do the honors?”
“Sure thing, Wyatt,” he said, and held up his phone.
Out of the speaker, came Bailey’s recorded voice.
“It has to be you!” his recorded voice insisted. “You’re the only one who knows about the Cayman account. You’re the one who set it up for me!”
“That’s not… what was that?” Bailey said. “You recorded my phone? That’s not admissible.”
“You were standing on the street, yelling at your phone,” Wyatt said. “Public place. You can be recorded, no problem.”
“But none of that matters,” Jocko said. “Because here you are, with a gun with no serial numbers on it, breaking and entering.”