Page 136 of Pony Rides Fast
“Damn,” Piper said. “I wish I’d thought of that.”
Pony dangled the keys on his finger in front of her. “What do you think? You want to drive, or shoot?”
Piper looked at the gun in her hand, then at the keys, then back at the gun. Her mind made up, she handed her pistol to Pony and snatched the keys to the Charger out of his hand.
“My turn to drive, your turn to shoot!” she said.
They both climbed into Harris’s muscle car, Pony checking the magazine on both his and Piper’s pistols to make sure they were fully loaded and ready to go. Piper turned the key and the Charger came to life with a meaty growl of the turbocharged engine.
Whatever Harris’s other flaws, he clearly knew how to tune up a muscle car. Piper could feel the vibration of the heavy engine rumble up through her legs and into her spine, and a tingle of energy began to spark inside of her, the anticipation of cutting this beast of a car loose and out of the cage making her heart race and filling her veins with adrenaline.
“You ever drive one of these things?” Pony said.
Piper’s answer was to flash a grin and jam the gas pedal to the floor, sending the Charger roaring forward like a leaping lion. Pony’s eyes went wide and his hands involuntarily shot out to either side to brace him as the muscle car shot across the short space of the garage, blasting straight through the garage door like it was made of tissue paper.
Piper let out a whoop of glee as the Charger tore down Harris’s driveway, yanking the wheel to pull a hard right turn in a squeal of straining tires as soon as she hit the street. However well-trained the cartel killers were, they must not have been expecting this move, because no sniper fire came at them as she gunned it hard down the street and made the next right turn to take them out of the line of fire.
“Hell, yeah!” she shouted, then looked over at Pony. “You okay? You looked a little scared, there, when we left the garage.”
“Is that what you call that?” Pony said, finally getting himself settled properly in his seat. “Leaving the garage?”
“Seemed like the right move. Take them by surprise.”
“Surprise. That’s a good word for it. Of course, a little heads up for me would’ve been nice.”
“Nag, nag, nag.”
Bright lights hit the rear view mirror. Pony twisted in his seat, looking through the rear window at the road behind them.
“That was fast,” he said.
“Behind us. Two vehicles.”
“Damn. Thatwasfast.”
“Harris said they were pros.”
“Well, hopefully they won’t have machine guns like last… Nope! Those are definitely machine guns!” Piper said, ducking involuntarily as a staccato of machine gun fire snapped through the air around their car.
Piper hit the gas hard, trying to gain distance against their pursuers. As fast as the Charger was, the cartel hitmen must’ve also been driving fast cars, because the headlights stayed visible on the road behind them.
Whenever Piper looked in the rear view mirror, she could see little spats of flame near either pair of headlights. Muzzle flashes, followed shortly after by the sound of the machine-gun fire that zipped through the air all around them and occasionally dinged off the skin of the Charger as loudly as if someone had thrown a brick at them.
“Swing us back and forth or they’ll hit us,” Pony said, rolling down his window.
“I know. Shoot back or they’ll hit us.”
“I know,” Pony said, leaning out of the window and shooting his pistol back in the direction of their pursuers.
She kept pushing the Charger harder and harder, weaving it back and forth to make for a more difficult target. They were going so fast now, Piper could feel the car wanting to skid out from under her. It was almost like she was driving on ice.
She couldn’t think about it. She couldn’t think about the hail of bullets coming in her direction. She had to let herself feel the road, feel the car’s movements beneath her, just like her motorcycle, or she’d end up losing control and spin the car out to their certain death.
Fortunately, the late hour made it so there was nobody else on the roads, nobody else that might get caught in the crossfireor end up in an accident with them. Piper was able to focus completely on her driving, losing herself in it completely.
Pony’s voice pulled her out of it momentarily.