Page 139 of Pony Rides Fast
“Good,” she said. “Because we’re almost out of gas.”
“How almost?”
“The warning light has been on for a few minutes now.”
“That’s pretty almost.”
“Are you almost out of bullets?”
“That’s good.”
“I’m completely out of bullets.”
She winced. “That’s bad.”
“Just keep us moving fast and get us to the rendezvous point.”
“You’re sure they’ll be there?”
“The MC has never let me down,” Pony said. “They’ll be there.”
Piper found herself looking back and forth between the road, the killers chasing them, and the warning light on the gas tank. Any one of them could spell their end. Any one of them could go sideways at any second.
“Should be right around this next curve,” Pony said.
“Hang on. Going to be a tight one,” she said.
This time, Pony did grab on to something, as she drifted the Charger once again around a tight curve on the dark country road. The tires squealed out their anger at the demands made of them, and for a second, Piper swore one of them was going to blow out and send them careening into the trees and a fiery death, but the tires held and the Charger made it through the turn intact.
As before, the killers chasing them either didn’t have the skill or the quality of vehicle capable of matching that maneuver. They were forced to slow down to take the curve, giving their Charger a chance to pull a little further away and making them a near-impossible target to hit.
Once they cleared the curve and straightened back out on the road, Piper saw it up ahead. A pair of police cars blocking the road, red and blue lights flashing. She gave her pursuers a glance in the rear view mirror.
Her maneuver had given them some distance from their enemy, and now that they came around the curve and back intosight in her rear-view, Piper could tell that they were slowing down, not speeding up.
They must’ve seen the police lights too, she figured, and gunned the Charger’s throttle one last time. The muscle car roared its way to the roadblock, where she turned the wheel hard and brought it to a stop just in front of the flashing lights of the squad cars.
Behind them, the cartel vehicles stopped in the middle of the dark road, their headlights the only thing visible. Piper and Pony both got out of the Charger, staring at the headlights of the cartel killers, wondering what their pursuers were going to do next.
More lights began to switch on, on either side of the flashing squad cars. Headlights from motorcycles, many of them, clicking on one at time and pointing at the cartel’s vehicles. Behind each motorcycle headlight, Piper knew, was a MC brother with a gun and serious intentions.
The cartel must’ve realized that they had stepped into something they weren’t prepared for, because there was nothing from them. No more gunfire, no more movement, nothing, just the two sets of headlights sitting and facing the roadblock mutely.
“Piper?” a voice called out from behind the sea of lights and cars and motorcycles.
“Carly?” she said.
Now that her eyes had adjusted, Piper could see the MC brothers by their motorcycles, guns held ready to go, and a handful of local police officers behind the squad cars. She spotted her friend Jane from the Bureau as well, wearing a blue windbreaker with FBI in square yellow letters on the back and her service pistol in her hand.
Carly darted out from between the squad cars, followed closely by Jocko, who was armed with an AK-47. The two ofthem rushed over to Piper and Pony, Carly grabbing her sister in an embrace.
“Carly, what are you doing here?” Piper said. “Jocko! You were supposed to keep her someplace safe!”
“Are you kidding?” Jocko said. “You try to keep her from doing something she doesn’t want to do.”
Before Piper could respond, Carly grabbed her arm and pointed at the headlights of the cartel killers.