Page 34 of Pony Rides Fast
Black Tooth said, “With my dick out like this?”
As dumb as he was, he did have a point. Of course, with his pants down and his wrinkly johnson out, that made him all the less likely to try to make a run for it. Then again, if she cuffed him with his dick swinging in the breeze, at some point she would have to pull up his pants for him, and that activity didn’t hold much appeal to her at all.
They never covered this one at the academy, she thought.
While she was trying to figure out the best move, the front door of the cabin slammed open again. Piper had barely enough time to get behind the tree again, with Black Tooth standing obediently next to it, before a second robber walked around the side of the cabin toward them.
“Hey, Stevie? Where you at… there you fucking are,” he said.
Fuck! Piper thought, swallowing down hard on a suddenly dry throat.What do I do now?
What she said to Black Tooth, very quietly, was, “Don’t say a word.”
Behind the tree, she couldn’t see the second robber, but she could hear him.
“Yo, man,” he said, “what are you doing with your hands up and your dick out, fool?”
Black Tooth looked toward her. Piper shook her head at him, tried to make her eyes as threatening as possible, but she could see it in his eyes a second before he did it.
“Cops!” Black Tooth yelled, diving away from the tree.
As Black Tooth shouted and dove away from the tree, Piper tracked him with her gun. As fired up as her nerves were, she almost shot him in the back before holding back and taking her finger off of the trigger. She was a cop, not an assassin.
Black Tooth was a bank robber, an idiot, and an asshole, but he was also unarmed and not posing an immediate threat, so she couldn’t justify shooting him. Beating the shit out of him, maybe, once she got her hands on him again, but not shooting him. The second robber, though, was another story, and Piper risked peeking around the tree to see what he was doing.
Nothing good, was the answer.
Things started moving fast. Piper had time to see the second bank robber pull out a gun the size of a pickup truck while Black Tooth scurried away clumsily toward the back of the cabin, holding his pants up with one hand.
She had to let him go. There was nothing else for her to do than to take cover behind the tree as the bullets started to fly, fast and hard, in her direction.
All the times she’d heard gunfire on the range, Piper would’ve thought she’d be used to it by now, but she’d never had anyone actually shoot at her before. The bullets snapped the air as they passed by her, some of them thudding with heavy impacts into the tree she crouched behind.
Now her heart was pounding overtime, mimicking the rapid shots coming from the second bank robber. Piper pulled herself together enough to realize that the robber’s shots were going wild; as fast as he was shooting, his bullets were flying all over the place. He was likely inexperienced, or high on drugs, or both.
“FBI! Drop your weapon!” she shouted, still behind the cover of the tree.
“Fuck you, you fucking pigs!” the robber shouted at her between shots. “Come and fucking get me!”
Have it your way, Piper thought. She took a split second to steel herself, and then made her move.
She leaned around the side of the tree, gun leading the way, exposing as little of herself as possible. The robber was there, not twenty feet away, shooting his gun sideways like a damn fool.
No wonder his bullets were going everywhere. You couldn’t hit a thing shooting like that. Anybody who was actually trained to shoot knew that. Sideways shooting was for gangsters and dipshits, her academy shooting instructor used to say.
Still, it was terrifying to have someone so close shooting at her. Piper didn’t give herself time to think about it; she let her training take over and as soon as her sights were on the robber, she let loose with her own barrage of gunfire.
She shot more times than she intended to, her nerves making her rush her shots a bit. Six times, she thought she fired, seven maybe, she wasn’t sure, but at least four of them found their mark on the robber. He flailed his arms like he was trying to ward off thrown rocks. Some sort of involuntary spasm, Piper figured, but he stopped shooting and dropped to the ground, so she stopped shooting as well.
There was a sudden silence and Piper blinked. Several times, she blinked, staring at the man she’d just shot now rolling around on the ground in front of her.
Holy shit did I just do that?she thought, then shook herself out of it.
Secure the weapon. Secure the suspect. That was what she had to do. That was what she was trained to do. So Piper moved toward the downed robber, her gun still trained on him. His pistol was next to him, and she kicked it far away and out of reach.
She reached into a pocket to pull out her cuffs to secure him. Yes, he was shot, and yes, he was down, but she’d been taught never to assume a thing when it came to an unsecured suspect. People were capable of crazy things, even when shot, especially when enraged or on drugs, so she couldn’t take any chances.