Page 38 of Pony Rides Fast
“I did,” Pony said.
“Why the fuck would you… ah, shit, man. I know you,” Black Tooth said, pointing at Pony.
Pony said, “Not really.”
“Naw, man, I know you, I remember you, you were that dude from last night. The one with the girl with the smoking hot ass.”
“Pony?” Devil asked.
“I took Piper along to the races,” Pony said.
“Oh,” Devil said. “Finally. Nice move. Can she ride?”
“She’s pretty good,” Pony said. “Really good, actually.”
“Yo, man, you didn’t have to shoot my bike,” Black Tooth whined. “You won that race, we were just talking shit…”
“I don’t care about that,” Pony said.
“No. I want to hear about the bank you just robbed.”
Black Tooth flapped his hands on the ground in frustration. “God damn it, man, you too?”
“Yeah, me... hang on,” Pony said. “What do you mean, me too?”
“Man, this is bullshit,” Black Tooth. “The whole world’s out to get me.”
“Hey. Shitbag. Focus,” Pony said. “What do you mean, me too?”
“You guys are fucking me up, the fucking feds are making me stand there with my hands up and my dick out and I just can’t catch a break,” Black Tooth said, his voice rambling. He wasn’t even looking at any of them as he said it, but up at the sky as if sharing his grievances with the world.
“Dude, exactly what the hell are you on?” Devil said. “I might want to try some.”
Wyatt said, “Devil.”
Devil shrugged, but Black Tooth wasn’t done complaining to the ether.
“Look man, I’m just saying it ain’t right that some bitch makes me stand there with my dick out and then the cops are shooting the place up like it’s a… like it’s a…”
He stopped, looking like he was trying to remember the name of the state capital and failing miserably.
“A shooting gallery?” Pony finished for him.
“Yeah, man,” Black Tooth said, looking genuinely grateful. “Yeah. That’s it. A shooting gallery.”
“Are you telling me the cops are already there?” Pony said. “At the cabin?”
“How do you know about the cabin?” Black Tooth said, then, when Wyatt swatted him across the back of the head, added, “Ow!”
“We’re asking the questions, dumbass,” Wyatt said. “Are the cops at the cabin with your two buddies?”
“Yeah, man, yeah,” Black Tooth said. “What have I been telling you? Cops are shooting up the whole place and all I wanted to do was take a piss, man, so I just busted out of there.”
“What about your friends?” Pony said. “The other two. Are they still there?”
“I don’t know. I just… hey, man, do you think you can hook me up, here? I got to get out of here before more cops show up, you know?”