Page 40 of Pony Rides Fast
This was turning into a surprisingly gratifying day for him. First he bagged Black Tooth, then he got to squeeze Devil into a set of sidekick’s shoes… now all he needed to do was to catch this mystery driver and he could call it a productive day.
Pony and Wyatt tore out of the gas station parking lot in a lion’s roar of heavy motorcycle engines, pushing hard and fast through the afternoon air in the direction of the mystery rider. For a few seconds, Pony couldn’t see anything but road upahead, and kept pressing the throttle harder and harder, feeling his Harley surge forward like an angry warhorse.
Soon, after a lazy curve in the road, he spotted them. One mystery rider, dead ahead, clearly tearing ass as fast as they could away from him and Wyatt. There was no doubt that the mystery rider knew they were being pursued; the speed at which they were travelling could be called reckless, at best.
Too bad you didn’t ride like that last night, Pony thought.You might’ve done a lot better.
He traded a look with Wyatt. They both locked on to their quarry, pushing their bikes to the limit as they tried to close the distance with the street racing bike streaking away from them.
Pony could see a car in their lane up ahead, up past their mystery rider. Rather than slow down, the mystery rider swerved their motorcycle across the double line, passed the car, and then slid back into the right lane to continue on their way.
Pony and Wyatt followed suit, slowing down slightly so that they could pass the car one at a time. On this back road, they had good visibility, so there was no danger of running into oncoming traffic.
Their maneuver had cost them some speed, though, and by the time they passed the car and moved back into their lane, their quarry had gained some distance on them.
Pony could see another car up ahead, and allowed himself a little smile. This time, their mystery rider wouldn’t be able to slide around and pass so easily. A truck was coming the opposite way, making it impossible for the mystery rider to make the same move as before.
Wyatt clearly saw it as well. His engine roared as he hit the throttle hard, and Pony followed suit, looking to close the distance.
No such luck. Instead of passing the car by using the oncoming lane, the mystery rider slid smoothly onto the narrowshoulder, speeding past the car and then slipping back into their lane to continue on.
Damn, Pony thought.Not a bad move.
By the time Pony and Wyatt reached the car, the truck had already gone past, and they could pass on the left as they had earlier. Still, they lost some more distance. If this mystery rider was able to keep this up, they were going to lose them.
Whoever this rider was, they were definitely riding better than they had last night, that was for sure. Now, they weaved their bike around traffic smoothly, easily, and took curves in the road at a speed that Pony and Wyatt couldn’t match on their heavier cruising Harleys.
Finally, though, it looked like their mystery rider was out of luck. Up ahead, a line of cars sat, stuck in traffic. It was only a few cars deep, a little traffic snarl, but there was no going around it. Past the traffic snarl, Pony could see that a crew was fixing a telephone pole, waving cars past one at a time.
Their mystery rider didn’t have a quick way out, this time. Once again, Pony traded a look and a nod with Wyatt. This was their chance.
Even as they pushed forward, trying to capitalize on this development, Pony’s heart sank. Their mystery rider slowed down, yes, but barely so, weaving between the stopped cars expertly like they were orange cones in an obstacle course.
You’ve got to be kidding me, Pony thought, and a glance at Wyatt told him that his MC brother was thinking the same thing.
Once again, he found himself wondering where these moves were at the street race last night. It was like there was a totally different person riding that bike in front of him than rode against him the night before.
Pony knew there was no way he was going to be able to weave his heavy Harley through the traffic snarl like that. It wasn’t a question of skill; his Harley simply wasn’t built forthat kind of maneuverability. He and Wyatt were forced to slow down considerably, picking their way carefully through the stopped cars.
Once they were on the other side of it, they kicked back into high speed. The road curved ahead, with thick trees on either side, and Pony couldn’t see the mystery rider any longer.
They rounded the curve. Still nothing. No sign of their mystery rider. Only empty road in front of them.
The two of them continued a bit further down the road, but soon, it became obvious that it was a pointless exercise. Their quarry had escaped.
Pony traded a look with Wyatt, who waved him over to the side of the road. They both slowed down and eased their Harleys to a stop on the shoulder, pulling off their helmets so they could talk more easily.
“Damn, this guy’s good,” Wyatt said. “I thought you said they couldn’t race for shit?”
“They couldn’t last night,” Pony said.
“Well, this one found the spirit today. I don’t suppose that bike was the one with Benny’s tracking device on it?”
Pony shook his head. “No such luck. That bike belongs to the guy we left back with Devil.”
“Shit,” Wyatt said. “All right. Nothing to be done about it. Let’s get back to Devil before he starts coming up with creative ways to amuse himself with the other guy.”
“And the one that got away?” Pony said.