Page 46 of Pony Rides Fast
“The MC. I’m been working there for a while, and… I mean, I haven’t seen anything that would freak me out, so to speak. I don’t know how to say this.”
“You want to know if we’re doing shit that goes too far,” Pony said.
“Something like that. There were those three women, those three Mexican women who you kept at the clubhouse and then some other charter came and took them.”
“You think I’m a sex trafficker?” he said.
“Pony. I didn’t say that. But it’s a fair thing to ask about, as weird a thing as it was to see.”
Pony seemed to think that over for a second, then said, “We were helping those ladies out of bad situation. That’s all I can tell you.”
Piper let out an invisible sigh of relief.
“You understand why I might be concerned, seeing something like that?” she said.
“Yeah,” Pony said, conceding with a little shrug. “What I can tell you is that the MC isn’t into anything heavy. No violent crime or meth or any of that shit.”
Piper felt like she was tip toeing around a mine field. She had to be careful, careful not to go too far, ask too much.
But this was her chance to know once and for all if she was right about Pony and the MC. She’d suspected for some time now that he was the man she wanted him to be, but she had to know, not just for the badge, but for her heart.
“You live around here, you hear things, you know?” she said.
“Like that bomb that went off on the highway a while back.”
Another pause. “You want to know if that was us?”
“I don’t want you to tell me anything that you don’t feel comfortable telling me,” she said, and hated herself a little for saying it and knowing that it was true.
“Let’s just say there’s some bad elements out there,” Pony said. “Not associated with the MC, you understand?”
“Like that bank robbery today.”
“How do you know about that?” he said.
She swallowed hard, thinking she might have gone too far, but said, “It’s all over the news, Pony.”
“Right,” Pony said. “Yeah, I guess so, right? Yeah. There’s plenty of guys like that out there, who bring an element into this town that we don’t want.”
It was almost too good to be true, too much to hope to believe in. Piper had to reel her feelings in, make sure she didn’t rush too far forward in her desire to confirm what she’d wanted to believe ever since she’d met Pony.
“So, what, then?” Piper said. “You guys are like the Justice League? Fighting crime?”
Pony let out a short little laugh.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, it’s…” Pony said, shaking his head, “you have no idea how happy Devil would be to hear you say that. About the Justice League, I mean. He really wants to be Batman.”
“That’s no surprise to hear,” she said. “So your MC… you don’t do any crime that hurts people. And you keep out anyone who does?”
“Something like that. So I hope you didn’t start working at the clubhouse because you wanted to get into dealing heroin.”
She held up her hands in surrender. “You got me. Now I’m going to have to go back on LinkedIn, come up with a whole new career path. My future as a heroin mogul is ruined. Thanks, Pony.”
Now his boots were on, and he pulled on his leather jacket as well.