Page 53 of Pony Rides Fast
“How is your sister holding up, by the way?” he said.
“Carly?” Piper said, a little surprised at the change of direction in the conversation. “She’s holding up, I guess.”
Harris looked back at Piper’s house, where they’d left Carly inside. “It’s a lot for a young woman like her to take. That felony charge, coming out of nowhere. I feel bad for her.”
“I appreciate that, sir.”
“I mean it. It’s important that we get something soon from our case, give us the juice that we need to be able to swing a little weight around with Philly PD. Get them to realize their error and drop Carly’s case.”
“That would be ideal,” Piper said. “I don’t suppose you could swing that sooner rather than later?”
“Not without something to give them. I know you think I’ve got a lot of influence, but with the Bureau, you’re only as good as your latest work. So let’s be sure to get this MC to roll over on this Navarro son of a bitch.”
Piper took a deep breath, and plunged in. “About that.”
“What if there isn’t anything? I mean, no connection to Navarro?”
“There has to be. Keep looking.”
“But what if there isn’t?”
“You’d better hope and pray that there is, Special Agent. Everything is riding on this. Your future as an undercover agent…”
“I don’t care about that.”
“Start caring,” Harris said. “Because getting your sister on the right side of her case absolutely relies on our finding something at the MC that we can use against them.”
“But… “
“No buts!” Harris said, almost shouting now. “That’s it, Special Agent! That’s all! There is no other discussion on the matter! Now, get me something I can use! That is your entire purpose for being in that clubhouse, now find me something!”
He didn’t wait for a response, but stormed off, leaving Piper to stand alone in the night and watch him leave. That had not been the response she’d been hoping for. Not by a long shot.
Harris was right about one thing; she needed some sort of clout to help get her sister’s nonsense drug charge dropped. But if there was nothing there to be found, then there was nothing there to be found, and to be honest, Piper had been more than a little happy to discover that therewasnothing there to be found.
Because that meant that Pony was more or less in the clear, at least, as far as any connection to Navarro or the cartel was concerned. Or any other federal level complications, for that matter.
But the good news on that front… Pony being the man she had hoped he would be… was simultaneously terrible news for her sister. Nothing on the MC meant nothing to bargain with for her sister.
And now it looked like Harris wasn’t going to be able to accept the setback of spending months investigating the MC only to discover he’d been wrong about them all along. He seemed stuck on wanting something that wasn’t there. And while Piper needed to be looking elsewhere for a way to fight Navarro and the cartel… to help Carly if nothing else… Harris would be too stubbornly fixed on beating the dead horse of investigating the MC, wasting everyone’s time.
Then, there was the whole question of how she was going to handle how things were progressing with Pony. That alone was a nightmare of a minefield.
How in the hell am I going to untangle this mess?she thought.
Lost in her thoughts, she wandered back into her house, plunking down on the couch like gravity had just gotten ten times stronger. Carly was still parked there, munching away on a bag of yet more of her endless snack food.
“He kind of gave you the business there at the end, hunh?” Carly said through crunchy mouthfuls of cheese curls.
Piper looked at her. “You were listening in to our conversation?”
“Not exactly. It’s not like your walls are soundproof, Piper. I mean, I didn’t hear everything, but…”
“Still. You really shouldn’t have heard a lot of that.”
“What was he talking about, when he said something about ‘her case’? Did he mean me? He meant me, didn’t he?”