Page 74 of Pony Rides Fast
“Hang on,” Becca said, starting to struggle her way out of the chair and to her feet.
“Don’t,” Harris said, pointing her back into the chair. “Don’t even try. The office is clearly included in the warrant and we are searching it, no matter what nonsense legal babble you try to throw at me.”
“It’s all right, Becca,” Griz said, helping her back into her chair. “We’ll handle this.”
Pony followed Griz into the back office, along with Harris and the rest of the FBI agents. This was a problem. The back office safe was where they kept any number of random sensitive items that needed to be kept from prying eyes or sticky fingers.
That was where they’d kept the C4 plastic explosive that they’d taken from the cartel months ago. Of course, Devil had used all of the explosives to blow up the Warlords, but Pony didn’t know if anything else had been secured in there since then. If it had…
“Open it,” Harris said to the two of them, nodding his head toward the safe.
Griz grunted. “That’ll be the fucking day.”
“You’re fishing,” Pony said. “You’re fishing, and you know it.”
“Open it,” Harris said, “or we’ll seize it, take back to headquarters, and pry it open.”
“You can’t do that,” Griz said. “Can they do that?”
“I’m pretty sure they can, actually,” Pony said.
“This is bullshit,” Griz said, his voice getting louder and louder. “You’re grasping at straws and you know it.”
“Open it now, or I will arrest you for obstruction and seize it,” Harris said. “Try me.”
“You want something to arrest me for?” Griz said, drawing himself up to his full height and setting his jaw.
Pony winced inwardly. This was about to de-rail. He could tell that Griz was about to go full Mike Tyson and turn Agent Harris’s jaw into pudding, and as much as Pony knew it would be stupid and self-defeating, he was going to back up Griz and knock out as many feds as he could before they finally dragged him down.
Luckily, before Griz could lift a fist, a voice from the doorway said, “Open it, son.”
It was Boomer, wheeling his wheelchair into the office nice and easy, his voice as calm as a still lake. He looked over the FBI agents like they were lost tourists who had wandered into the bar by accident.
Griz said, “Dad?”
“Go ahead and open it,” Boomer said. “No need to ruin our safe over this misunderstanding. Which is all it is, I’m sure. Open it.”
“All right,” Griz said, with a shrug, and started punching numbers onto the keypad.
Once the safe beeped and Griz pulled the door handle with a metallic clunk, Agent Harris shoved his way past him and yanked the door open, saying, “Step aside.”
The FBI agent rifled through the safe quickly, greedily, clearly desperate to find anything to salvage what was looking more and more to everyone in the room like a busted operation. His desperation became even more evident as he flipped through documents, dropping many of them on the floor as he looked through them.
“Let me save you the trouble,” Boomer said. “Those are the financial records of the bar. Receipts, payroll, etc. etc. I also have some personal mementos in there.”
Harris reached into the safe, pulled out a pill case, and held it up. “This is OxyContin. You have a prescription for these?”
“Yes, I do,” Boomer said. “For pain related to my injury. I keep those pills secured in the safe so that nobody else can access them other than me and my son. As for the rest of the contents of the safe, Becca… our attorney… is correct. Your warrant is for illicit substances, and our clubhouse documents are therefore not included.”
Harris stared at Boomer. Pony could see it in his eyes; he was desperate to say something, push back, try to spin some bullshit that would let him gain some leverage, but even Agent Harris could see that he’d met his match with Boomer. The club president sat in his wheelchair, calm, unconcerned, speaking to Harris like he was speaking to an errant child.
“Now, Special Agent,” he said, “if that is all…”
With a furious shout, Harris spun and threw the small bottle of Oxycontin across the room.
Griz stepped forward, looking again like he was about to hit the FBI agent.
“Hey, asshole!” he said.