Page 83 of Pony Rides Fast
He’d seen how Piper could ride.
She and Harris were arguing now, loudly, their voices a stark contrast to the still and quiet air of the little park. She’d failed him, it seemed. She was supposed to have planted the heroin and had failed.
Or had she?
There was something off with this story, something he was missing.
His conversation with her in the bar. She hadn’t been putting something in there, she’d been taking something out. What had she said? I need this for my dad. Something like that.
Maybe she hadn’t failed Harris. Maybe she’d full-on stopped him. Maybe she was the reason there was no heroin for the FBI to find, which would mean…
Which would mean she’d just saved the entire MC from a felony level drug beef with the federal government.
As his mind raced to fit all the puzzle pieces together, something moved out of the corner of his eye. Two somethings.
The hitmen. The killers that had met with Harris, coming up behind Piper, already pulling pistols out from where they’d hidden them under their jackets.
Whatever else was going on, this much was clear to Pony. Harris had lured Piper out to this park to kill her. There was no other explanation.
The only question was, what was he going to do about it?
Whatshouldhe do about it? There was no denying how angry he was, how torn up, how betrayed. He’d finally let himself open to the person he’d thought was the woman of his dreams and here she was, a phony and a fed.
But there was something else… he knew Piper. Even if she’d been an undercover fed, there were some things about yourself that you couldn’t pretend or play at. Planting drugs was not her.
They’re just people doing what they think is right, Boomer had said about undercover agents, and Pony could maybe see that about Piper. Maybe she had gone in with the right intentions. But everything he’d seen, everything Piper had done, all shouted that planting evidence was not the kind of thing she would tolerate.
But he couldn’t stop the twisting of anger and betrayal in his heart.
The killers moved closer, coming up on Piper now. She had no idea they were coming; she was laying in to Harris, telling him what was what. If this kept up, she’d have no idea what hither. Harris’s ambush would work and the woman who defied him would be dead.
Was that it? Had she refused to do go along with Harris’s plan to plant the heroin, even going so far as to ruin the FBI’s raid on the MC? That would explain a lot- Harris’s overconfidence upon entering the clubhouse and then fury when he’d found nothing.
Or maybe it was worse. Maybe she’d been in on it from the beginning, another dirty fed trying to deal drugs in the MC’s territory.
No. That couldn’t be right. Nothing about that sat right with what Pony knew about her.
Did any of it matter? Any of the debate he was having with himself, any of the back and forth? She was the undercover, she had been lying to him, that much was clear.
Should he just do nothing? Let her die?
Or would he regret that forever?
The killers were almost on top of her now, drawing pistols from concealed places underneath their jackets. If he was going to do something, it had to be now.
Nobody knew how permanent death was like Pony. He’d seen untold amounts of it while in the military, both friends, enemies, and civilians caught up in the crossfire. He, more than anyone, knew you couldn’t un-ring that bell.
As hurt and betrayed as he felt, did he really want to let this happen? Let Piper die, having never heard her side, never knowing the why behind the what?
Once again, Boomer’s words came back to him when he asked what they did about undercover cops.We don’t kill them. They’re just trying to do the right thing.
The killers were right on top of Piper, guns raised, when his mind finally locked into place and he made his move at the same time he made his decision. The binoculars dropped from hishands, and he drew his pistol from his side as fast as he could clear leather.
He was too late. Even as his gun came up, he heard the shots, saw Piper fall, felt a part of himself die as she dropped.What the fuck is wrong with me, he had time to think.I shouldn’t have waited so long, now I’ll never knowwhat she was thinking.
Now I’ll never hear her voice again, see her smile, make her laugh.
Then, he saw that she was still moving on the ground. Still alive. Only winged, or wearing a vest, maybe.