Page 89 of Pony Rides Fast
Pony frowned. “What does that mean?”
“Nothing!” Carly said quickly. “Nothing. I talk. Too much, I mean. I talk a lot, and, I shouldn’t. I’ll stop now. Wait!”
“What?” Piper said.
“Did you get shot again?”
“Yes, you did,” Carly said. “I can see the holes in your shirt, right there. And I can even see one of the thingies poking out of the vest underneath.”
“You mean one of the bullets?”
“You know what I mean,” Carly said. “Don’t try to deflect. You got shot.”
“I’m fine,” Piper said. “Look, we need to get out of sight, okay? We need to figure out what we’re going to do and Pony and I have… a lot to talk about.”
“Okay, fine,” Carly said, following her toward their motel room. “As long as you’re not getting shot again.”
Their room was about as far from luxury as one could get. The bed sagged in the middle, covered in sheets that Piper suspected had never been truly cleaned, only exchanged fordirty sheets from a different room. The carpet had an almost slick gloss of undetermined filth on it, and was worn through in places.
Still. It wasn’t for staying in. It was a place to catch a breath and figure out what to do next.
And, hopefully, salvage what she could with Pony.
“So, you said your boss tried to kill you or something?” Carly said, plunking herself down in a creaky chair once they were all secure inside of the room.
“It was a set up, Carly,” Piper said. “The meeting. Remember when I told you that he wanted me to plant evidence at the MC clubhouse and I couldn’t do it?”
“The big chunk of heroin?”
“That’s the one.”
“And when you didn’t do the bad thing, he got mad and tried to kill you?” Carly said.
“A bit more to it than that.”
“I’d like to hear it,” Pony said. “All of it.”
“I know,” Piper said, feeling like she might keel over with exhaustion. “I know. Um… all right. You’re both in this, so you both deserve to know everything that’s happened.”
She laid it all out for them, the whole tale from the beginning. Once she started, the words came more and more easily, until by the end, it was almost hard to stop talking.
“And so I met Harris at the park and threw the heroin in his face,” she finished. “He kept talking about how I’d ruined everything. I thought he meant this case, or my career, but he was talking about his plans.”
“His plans?” Pony said.
“He’s desperate to take apart the MC, Pony. He said because of your link to Navarro.”
“We don’t have a link to Navarro.”
“I know that, now.”
“We’re practically at war with the bastard,” he said.
“That was the truck bombing, with The Warlords?”
“That was Navarro,” Pony said. “Those drugs, those guns, and the Warlords, all were meant to be an incursion into REMC territory. An invasion into our turf, all funded by Navarro.”