Page 94 of Pony Rides Fast
Down the breezeway, a small hand raised up from behind the ice machine and small voice called out along with it.
“That’s mine,” Carly said.“I did that.”
“Carly?” Piper said, almost collapsing in relief. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Carly said, walking over to them from the ice machine. “I saw that one guy go in the room and the other guy was out there with the gun and, and, I don’t know, I chucked that ninja star at him but then I got scared and hid behind the ice machine. Sorry.”
“Sorry, nothing,” Pony said. “You did great.”
“So it hit him? The ninja star?”
“Right in the face.”
“Wow,” Carly said, looking down at her handiwork. “I can’t believe it worked so good.”
“Either can I,” Pony agreed.
Piper said, “What are you doing with a ninja star?”
“Well, after your creepy boss showed up being all creepy, and I made that joke about ninja stars, I thought, maybe I shouldorder a bunch online. You know, they really deliver stuff fast these days.”
“You have more than one?”
“Oh yeah,” Carly said, digging in her purse and coming up with more pointy metal. “I have four. See?”
“Put those away.”
“We might need them.”
“We’re not going to need them,” Piper said.
“We needed that one.”
“What the hell,” Pony said. “Let her keep them.”
“Thank you, Pony. See?”
“You shouldn’t encourage her,” Piper said.
“Are those the guys from before?” Carly asked. “The ones at the park?”
“I think so,” Pony said. “I was pretty far away.”
Piper said, “It’s them. They’re the ones who shot me at the Harris meet.”
“See that tattoo?” Pony said, pointing.
“The star-shaped one near my ninja star? Wait, should I get it? The ninja star, I mean. Out of his face. So gross.”
“Leave it,” Pony said. “And yes, that’s the tattoo. Cartel, all the way.”
“So, what do we do now?” Carly said, still looking down at the second gunman. “Shoot him or step on his head or something?”
“No,” Piper said. “We’ll leave these two for the cops. It’ll create more problems for Harris that way. He’ll have to explain why cartel hitmen from Mexico are running around central PA.”
“Put him on the defensive, for once,” Pony said. “Buy us some time. Good idea.”
Buy us some time, Piper thought.Not you, us.Maybe there is something to salvage here.