Page 97 of Pony Rides Fast
Pony’s mouth went dry and his center fell out. Just as his racing mind began trying to figure out what he was going to do next, Griz’s bearded face broke out into a big goofy smile.
“I’m just fucking with you,” he said. “Of course we’re not killing her.”
Pony deflated, all the sudden terror and tension draining out of him. He shook his head at the bad joke.
“It’s the dumbest thing you could do, killing a fed,” Devil said.
“Boomer said something about that to me earlier.”
“We don’t kill cops, Pony,” Wyatt said. “Not unless they’re dirty and causing problems in our town. Do you have any idea how much heat comes down if you kill a cop, especially a fed?”
“Nah, we just keep them running around in circles, confused,” Devil said. “It’s kind of fun, actually. There was this one guy, we pegged him as an undercover right away. We used to love tormenting that guy. Give him all kinds of stupid little tasks to perform, humiliate him…”
“You did all that shit to me when I was a prospect.”
“That’s different. You’re my sidekick. I needed to test your meddle.”
“I’m definitely not your sidekick. And the word is ‘mettle’, not ‘meddle’.”
“Mmm, pretty sure it’s meddle, dude. Trust me.”
Before Pony could argue further, the meeting room door opened and more of the brothers came in. All around the table, they took their place, Boomer coming in last to wheel himself over to the President’s spot at the head.
“All right, let’s not waste any time with normal fucking around you guys like to do at the start of every meeting. We have quite a situation here.”
“I’ll say,” Griz said.
“Our undercover fed has been identified. As you’ve all heard, it’s Piper. I can only assume she’s the one behind the recent FBI raid here.”
“I can confirm that,” Pony said.
“So why did you bring her here?” Jocko said.
“The situation is… more complicated than her just being a fed.”
“How does it get more complicated than that?” Devil said.
Jocko said, “He’s banging her, for starters.”
“Jocko,” Pony said, his tone a low warning.
“What?You’re not?”
“It’s more complicated than that.”
Pony was out of words. “It’s probably better if she explains it.”
“I agree,” Boomer said. “Let’s let her speak for herself. Griz, would you bring her in?”
Griz stood to get Piper, and Pony felt a sudden reluctance to see her. Some part of him didn’t want this, didn’t want to have to face this and work it all out in the company of his brothers. But it had to happen. It needed to happen. And this was the place it had to happen.
She came in, and once again, the crowd turned to stone faces. Pony felt a quick, knee-jerk need to stand up, stand in between Piper and those faces.
It was all a part of his confusion. He couldn’t deny how he felt about her, but the lies, the deception. Yes, she had her reasons, and maybe he could even understand those, but his head was still spinning trying to figure out where he stood when it came to her. When it came to them.
“So,” Piper said, looking around the room. “This is awkward.”