Page 3 of Third Time's A Charm
I’m pretty sure just last week there was a piece that surmised I was most definitely pregnant by Thomas Fieldings–the nation’s biggest country singer–after posting an article the day before that said I was a lesbian. They even posted a picture with my damn tummy pouch peeking out beneath my cropped boyfriend hoodie.
I’m not pregnant, you vultures! I’m just a little…softer on the tummy, ass, and thighs. And maybe my arms. And tits. And…okay, okay. I know I’m not a fitness model, I like food way too much to even dream of that. Not that I’m ashamed of my body in the slightest. I’m healthy and soft, and I know damn well that my bed partners enjoy the hell out of my curves and handles.
“Really, Kathryn, I’m only trying to help, and you’ve been nothing but obstinate and rude. Do you know the amount of ass-kissing I’m going to be puckering up for after you had the mayor’s son thrown out of your building by security?!”
“That’s a bit of an over exaggeration, Mom. They didn’t throw him out. They just escorted with a side of gumption.”
“Really? Is that why there’s a video of him being tossed from the building onto his ass on the sidewalk circulating on the internet?” I smother the laughter that threatens to escape as I immediately pull my laptop from my briefcase and pull up YouTube.
“Well he was behaving rather angrily and erratically in my office, it’s not my security’s fault that they are literally paid to handle that sort of…thing.” I type in my city and mayor’s son thrown from business into the search bar and immediately see a freeze frame of the glass front of my building on the first one. I click it before checking the volume of my laptop.
My mother sighs deeply as the video shows a woman smiling and talking to whoever is behind the camera as they walk down the street–probably busy filming a vlog or whatever they were doing before the incident.
“Kat…he’s the tenth man this month who you have refused to even give a chance to. I-” The video shakes as if the camera holder was startled before it pans to the front of my building. “-why you don’t want to be happy. If you-”
Aiden and Caiden surface through the first set of large, glass double doors with a flailing man between them. Though they barely manage to take a step to the second set before Baby-Face manages to free an arm and whacks Aiden in the face.
“-for the wedding. It’s important to-”
Aiden’s features sharpen and grow cold as Baby-Face continues fighting and screaming profanities at the two of them, though the person holding the camera isn’t close enough to catch what he’s saying. Or maybe it’s because my volume is too low.
“-how about that? Could you just do that one thing for her?”
Aiden restrains Baby-Face once more and Caiden says something to him that has him nodding. They both yank Baby-Face off his feet simultaneously and use his body to push open the second set of doors before winding back and straight out chucking him onto the sidewalk.
This time I can’t stop the bellow of laughter from escaping me, but I do manage to cut it off short, so I think I just about manage to make it sound like I choked or something.
“Kathryn, are you even listening to me? What’s so funny about that?”
Or not…
“Oh nothing, I just tripped, that’s all.”
“So will you just do this one thing for your sister’s sake, please?!”
Oh God, she brought my sister up. She knows that no matter what it is, I never could tell my baby sister no. I’m a sap when it comes to her. She’s my one weakness.
“Of course, Ma. Anything for Annabelle.” I groan out in agreement. Though based on the hairs on the back of my neck immediately standing to attention at her squeal of joy…I chose poorly.
“Oh, this is just wonderful! I knew you still had a heart in there!” The line beeps that it disconnected and I pull it from my face to stare at the end call screen before it just goes black. And then I stare some more.
What did I agree to? If it made my mother that happy, it couldn’t have been anything good for me.
I jump when my phone lights up and starts ringing My Sister by Reba McEntire. My sister’s bright-eyed and cheery face flashes on the screen and I immediately swipe to answer. “What’s up, Demon-Doll?” I grin as she practically growls down the line at me. I can almost picture her adorable glare. The girl couldn’t intimidate a bunny. She’s a lamb–just way too cute and innocent.
“Kitty-Kat, when can I expect you to stop calling me that? That movie came out like ten years ago!” Even her voice–peppered with irritation–is sweetness and sugar. It’s laughable because she knows it and hates it fiercely.
“I don’t know, Demon-Doll. When are you gonna grow the brass pussy it’ll take to make me?” I tease, my cheeks hurting with how impossibly wide my smile has gotten.
I love my sister more than life itself. She’s roughly three years younger than my twenty-nine and we’ve always been close. We never fought, got territorial, or anything close. The day she was born, we were inseparable.
We even refused to divvy friend groups through high school. If I was going somewhere, she was too, no matter what anyone thought about it. Hell, even after I went off to college, I still drove down almost every weekend to pick her up and bring her out to my campus with me.
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her. Nothing. You can even ask her freshman highschool boyfriend Jake, whose nose I broke in two places when he thought he could cheat on her without consequence. I may have been suspended for a week, but everyone learned a lesson that day.
You don’t fuck with my sister.