Page 24 of Bedroom Rodeo
This would change everything she ever knew about her friends. If things ended badly, she’d lose them too.
She met Piers’s gaze. Love filled the inky blue depths.
Turning her head, she looked at Ash. His dark eyes blazed with desire, passion and love as well.
She was safe with these men…and they would deliver the most pleasure she’d ever had in her life.
Maybe in time she would ask them to give her that baby too.
“I want this,” she heard herself rasp. “I want both of you.”
Piers nodded and then stretched out on the bed. He tugged her on top of him in a straddle. Ash moved in from behind and gripped her by the hips.
“Rock back on him, nice and slow, baby.” Piers’s hard mouth tormented her with his dirty orders, and she kissed him as she obeyed.
The head of Ash’s cock burrowed into her folds and sank inside her. She pushed backward.
Then she was moving, and both guys were helping her to take the thick length of her new lover’s cock to the fullest.
Ash’s cock slid out so slow that she thought she’d die from the pressure building inside her. She held Piers’s gaze as Ash filled her.
He stretched her wide. Her pussy clutched at him, and she fucked his length.
Something brushed down the seam of her ass, right over her pucker.
She froze, trying to determine what that was—or who—but then she felt a fingertip flick across her opening.
“Oh god!”
“Mmm. You like his finger on your ass while he fucks you, baby? Fuck him while I show you a new way to come for us.” Piers kissed her long and deep while Ash doubled his hip thrusts.
The pressure building inside her threatened to end her, and when she came, she screamed Piers’s name, and then Ash’s.
Ash’s rough groan told her that he was coming right before his muscles stiffened.
He jerked over and over, gripping her hips with tough fingers that heightened her need as he took himself to the final release.
She hung between both men. Her best friends. Now her lovers.
Ash’s lips worked over her nape to her shoulder. Piers nibbled her lips.
Her marriage wasn’t always crap. She’d felt loved by Charlie for a time. But never had she felt as cherished as she did right this minute.
Chapter Five
Piers stuck his head around the door of the office. “Hey, Maggie.”
She spun her chair away from her computer. “Oh hi, Piers. What’s up?”
He twitched his head toward the small office where Avril worked and then cocked a brow in question.
Catching on that he wanted information on Avril, she shook her head. “Nothing new.” She pitched her voice low. “But the head honchos were looking for you.”
His brow hiked even higher. “Me? What for?”
“I don’t know.”
This couldn’t be good. The last thing he wanted was Hugh and Riggs harboring suspicions about him fathering Avril’s baby. A simple DNA test would stop any rumors from flying but the next few months could be difficult for him if fingers were pointed. Hell, he’d never even flirted with the woman, let alone gone all the way.